Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Daily Dally-Do

Aaaaaand I totally should've just posted this yesterday before I got off lunch break but I wanted to wait to add a picture. Oh well, no picture and it's late. That's life. Here's day one post, I'll write day two tonight once I submit my final project.

I've realized it's been a while since I last posted. It'd be a lie if I said it was all due to school. While school has kept me busy with final assignments and deadlines I have, for some reason, been avoiding my blog. So much has been going on and each week I plan to include it in my weekly blog post but when the day comes I don't feel the same as I did the day of the event or it slips my mind all together. 
Yesterday I caught up on Kaitlin's blog and I was thinking how it's nice to be able to look back on each day and have that much needed trigger to recall things. Then I thought, why don't I post every day-- even if it's a short blurb that means little to nothing to you readers. If anything it may help me gather my thoughts for one weekly full post. Well, as you can probably tell by now I have a hard time committing to a specific activity-- I thrive in change. People like to have their routines and know exactly what to expect. Whenever I have such predictable days and routines, well, that's when I seem to fall. I need change because change means that I'm alive. For the past few years I've been able to change my major, change the places I go, and where I live, then maybe have some routines that fit within all the changes just to give me breather time (yes I counted going to the gym as breather time in undergrad). 
Now most of my time is routine and I think initiating change will be good. It'd be nice to have this blog, walking Penny, and the gym as my routine breather times but my job has to be apart of that list as well. So, here's my attempt at starting a new change: Daily Blog #1. 
Today I woke up five minutes earlier than I usually do for work so that I could make sure I got to work on time-- which I did so I'm going to continue waking up at that time. It's been raining here in Tampa since yesterday's rainstorm and I'd very much like some sunshine instead. I'm prepared to endure the summer heat because I'm a born Florida girl but this rain just keeps my mood down. I need my daily Vitamin D. 
I get off work around six. I had thought to stop a the market to do grocery shopping but we have enough food at home so I just want to use all that first. I'm thinking something with quinoa. After dinner I want to try and finish my final project and quiz. Then if I have some time, finish up Colies gift even though she'll be in Colombia by the end of today. It'd just be nice to finish that project up then work on the pokemon area board Alex so badly wants finish lol. 
There usually isn't much time after I get home from work and cook dinner so I'll probably head to bed after all that, maybe get a chapter of reading in. Then tomorrow wake up and do much of the same, except I have the option of staying up late-- kind of. Alex works Monday mornings. I'm not going to lie, I kind of like that we have different work schedules because it allows me time to do things around the apartment and work on assignments without the temptation of being right next to him. At the same time I miss him so much during the weekends and I feel like I'm losing precious time. The truth is we re always 'losing' time-- using time would be a better descriptor. While I would much rather be doing things I enjoy instead of working, I know I need to work to be able to do things I enjoy when I do have free time. 
When I think like this it helps but it also makes me feel like I may never be able to afford or have good circumstance to do the things I want. Like taking Yoga Teacher Training classes and getting my yoga certification. It's a big investment not only with money but with time. Much of the classes are held on the weekends which will cause a predicament with work (I'm only hired to work weekends). I had estimated working for Worms Way for about a year but i think I may have to stay with them until I graduate... We shall see. 
Something I need to do this coming week is get all the details on my fieldwork requirements because that is going to affect a lot as well. I also need to find out what textbooks I need to buy for the summer semester. 


  1. Change is a normal thing to want so welcome to daily blog life!! I didn't know you were getting your certication!! That is so awesome and I'm so proud of you for persuing it :)

  2. I wish I was working on the certification. I really want to but I don't have the money. :(


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