Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Dishes May Get Dirty

I recently came into the thought of how am I ever going to get all of this done? and realized the answer: I never will. No matter what we do the dishes will always get dirty again, the floor will need to be swept, and the crafty projects will keep coming.
My way to happiness and peace? Let the dishes be dirty sometimes. You aren't the only one who can wash them and, if you are, there shouldn't be that many and they can wait for a day while you take care of other priorities.
You all know I truly enjoy cooking so eating out all the time is out of the question. The key to making it work: if you have time to sit on your bum and just watch Chopped reruns, you have time to wash the dishes. Even if it's not all of them, do some.
When the chaos of everyday responsibilities engulfs me I clear my mind and let this list ring gently in my ears. The point of it is not to complete the tasks but to follow Set a Timer when considering all aspects of your day. There truly is a weight to the immortal To Do List but when you just devote yourself individually when you can, let the rest go.
If you have important work to do, do that, then take a break and wash a couple dishes to clear your mind.

"Rake the leaves. You'll never finish for good but you'll learn the point of pointlessness."

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