Sunday, January 20, 2013

Space & Time

In my efforts to get myself motivated to be productive and get out of the weekend schlump, I came across this yoga article. The last paragraph Chris Andre wrote resonates in my mind-- words of truth have such immense power:
"I went from my favorite house as an adult to my least-favorite, from an ideal location to practice asana and meditation to a terrible one. But yoga teaches us that all situations, from the most exalted to the very low, and everything in between, are worth contemplating. When I think about the house I loved and the house I loathe, I have to remember that neither of them were my house. They were just spaces I was renting, kind of like our bodies are spaces that we’re just renting. They’re vehicles for us to observe the world as it changes around us, to experience suffering and joy, fitness and sickness, confusion and clarity. Your current situation, no matter how terrible, or wonderful, or dull, will change. It will all expire, like a travel visa.  This is life’s only guarantee."

1 comment:

  1. Oh I like this because it helps people cope with change in their life and growing up, keeping a positive mindset and keeping grounded. :)


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