Saturday, January 12, 2013

You Can Be As Happy As You Want To Be

Yesterday, although I did no school work, was a big success. Morning yoga is a great way to wake the body up and get the blood flowing after curling up in the cozy sheets all night. Its going well and i think its helping me feel more energized-- at least in the morning. I still have to try and kick my siesta bug in the afternoons.
Afterward my morning yoga I had spinach onion garlic scrambled eggs with a piece of whole wheat toast and then raced off to catch a class at FSU Leach Center: Body Tone. The title matches its functionality and gosh am I sore! I haven't pushed myself like that with weights in a long time! I definitely plan to keep it in my weekly schedule-- gotta strengthen my muscles so they can help eat away a my fat stores (my problem areas are the lower abdominal and thighs). Body Tone will make sure I don't neglect the rest of my body while I try and kick these trouble areas to the door!
It's actually best to work your whole body when toning up-- with a special focus to the core to create the most foundation support for the rest of your muscles.
Believe it or not the day was not done after Body Tone. I felt pretty tired afterwards so I let myself rest and caught up on some Lost Girl. Then a few hours later I headed back to campus for a second round at the Leach: Yoga. Since its the beginning of the semester instructors go easy; it was pretty much sun sals and warriors with extra stretching.
Not much later that evening I found myself a workout buddy. Turns out one of my friends was hoping to get to the gym more often. I hope she's ready because I don't let people give up when they've revealed a goal to me. Today I'll start her off pretty easy since I'm already sore.
Maybe we'll just go on the elliptical followed with some stretches to get her started. Any workout suggestions for a beginner?

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