Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Morning Yoga: 1st Attempt

It is difficult to get out of bed when it's cold and you're nice and cozy in bed, but time is too precious. I want to try and get each day started earlier than usual. My goal is to wake up at 7:30 every day except Tuesday and Thursday, on which I will wake up at 6:50, and do a morning yoga routine. Today I woke up at 7:40 and had some cantelope with hot English Breakfast tea. Unfortunately, I became nauseous because I took my supplements right after. I'm realizing I cannot take my pills or do anything too exerting prior to eating a main source of protein like eggs or hummus. I will remember next time to wait until after I have eaten my full breakfast.
After calming down my stomach, I did a simple yoga session-- mostly spinal stretches paired with sun salutations. It's tough doing this before breakfast but I just have to push myself.
After my mini-yoga session, I ate two boiled eggs with a little salt, black and cayenne pepper drizzled atop them. Yum.

Does anyone else find themselves nauseous in the morning if they don't have a significant protein source?

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