Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Icky Cold & Flu and Getting Back To Practice

When you're sick does your head get foggy and your body is just so exhausted you can barely get out of bed? Well this weekend I was sick. I know, worst timing EVER. I originally had a million things to do but the Universe saw my terrible dilemma and decided to make two of my professors rethink their due dates.
So here I am, four days after an icky sick weekend, finally back on my mat where I belong, two projects done, and an exam in a few hours. Because my cold was mainly a head cold, even walking downstairs to take the trash out was a chore. Can I just say it one more time? BOO.
Being back on the mat is a relief even though I have residual tickles in my nose-- or maybe that's just my normal Spring time allergies. There is no place like the mat because it's where I can take everything in and just say "Not now. I'm breathing."
I missed my morning yoga and am happy to be back at it! It's tough to get myself out of bed and back into my healthy habits, but as always, the rewards make it worth my while.
Now it's nearing the end of my Undergraduate Student life. I have two papers, two exams, and one project left until I can proudly walk on that stage and show my mama what I've accomplished: four years of finding myself.
It's safe to say right now: I did it.
I just hope my hard work in the classroom pays off, too.

Have a great Thursday everyone and good luck on your exams, papers, and projects.


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