Saturday, April 13, 2013

Change Is Necessary In Order For Life To Be Possible

I haven't been as personal with my posts as I started out. And you've most likely noticed I haven't been as frequent either. Stress can control us if we allow it to and I've been fighting with the stress of so many changes that Im required to make decisions about. Change is good and necessary but it's scary when the next changes are what will determine the opportunities the future will hold.
The biggest stress I've been carrying is the decision of what to do now that I'm graduating from Undergrad. Many of you already know but I have applied to USF in the hopes of getting into their Library and Information Science Graduate program. I haven't heard back yet but my dilemma is more on where my passions lay. Yes Im positively delighted to engage with various forms of text. I love to catalogue and help preserve information while making it more available.
I'm no yoga expert but I love yoga, too. I've spoke of it before-- of the feeling one gets from the practice. I feel like I belong wherever I am in that moment when I'm doing yoga.
I've been told by some of you that I would be a good teacher. I have a lot to learn but, with so much encouragement, I've been considering it.
I want to advance my practice and I'd love to help others in discovering that special feeling yoga makes linger within you, but I have to consider the amount of debt I am in from Undergraduate alone. Being a university librarian or an archivist would be an interesting career. I think perhaps I need to continue on this path-- give Graduate school a real try. I just hope that the opportunity to advance my practice and become certified to teach yoga comes along.
Being both a librarian and a yoga instructor sounds do-able.
Now, I need to finish up this semester and wait to hear from USF. Then more decisions can be made.

Like water we must flow,
Earth we must adapt,
Fire we must be determined,
Air we must be free.

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