Friday, May 17, 2013

Drinking Your Fruit? Drinking Your Breakfast?

There has been a growing big craze for meal shakes and such and, to be entirely honest, I think it's a bit weird to drink your food. Smoothies are awesome and so are protein shakes, but not as meal replacements. I feel smoothies should be treated as treats and snacks while protein shakes are for recovery and sustainability.
I've never been one to do protein shakes-- frankly because protein powder is quite pricey and, being a student, it would be another expense that isn't quite necessary. Fruits, veggies, and other high-protein sources that are natural to the earth are perfectly adequate for healing and growing muscles. 
As far as any kind of shake goes, I made a smoothie shake thingy this morning with spinach, banana, strawberries, apple, almond milk, honey, and ice. I was inspired by the idea of green drinks; I'm super interested because it would be ideal for having before a longer morning routine. My yoga teacher mentioned it helps her feel energized and hydrated without being weighed down or feeling sloshing. If I recall correctly hers is made with kale, ginger, apple, and green tea. It's much lighter than what I made today but mine was drank post-yoga. 
I'm going to look more into green drinks. They sound both nutritious and cleansing. 

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