Saturday, May 11, 2013

This Little Corner

"Each of us feels some aspect of the world's suffering acutely. And we must pay attention. We must act. This little corner of the world is ours to transform. This little corner of the world is ours to save." -Stephen Cope

We have strength and we have the power of decision. Take control of the self and embrace the energy within.

I'm done with undergrad and I've been accepted to USF's library science program but now I'm worried about what I will love in the future... I'm worried that i won't be spending my time in a passionate manner. I love my yoga practice and I am advancing... I just don't ever want a job to take that time away. Working at the movie theater provides odd hours and my workouts have been suffering, and are practically nonexistent, because of it. I imagine there are many people who feel a rut when finishing school and haven't found a job other than an entry level one. 
I have to find ways to make time again and still do the things I love when in home. Change is truly necessary. No such thing as a forever routine if you're living your life. Even brushing your teeth doesn't happen at exactly the same time every day of your life.  

Happy Mothers Day, mother, nature, and universe.

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