Sunday, January 5, 2014

Make the Change

I've said before that we are creatures of habit, but we are also creatures who yearn for companionship. Whether we're selfish or completely self-less, we care about someone. Compassion is the essence of a happy life and it is my strong belief that we cannot love or care for others if we cannot take care of ourselves.
So many of us expect our loved ones to be healthy and do their best, but what does it mean if we don't take care of ourselves? What does it mean if we tell a child not to smoke but continue to smoke ourselves. We all know the risks, the damage things like smoking do to our bodies but we don't change. We don't change. That's where the problem is. If we don't accept change-- the battle that comes along with giving up a bad habit or an addiction-- then we fall; we fall deep into samsara and hurt not only ourselves but those who love us.
Smoking is bad and people know the risks... but it won't happen to you, right? You won't lose your ability to sit through a movie without a smoke break; you won't spend the money you were supposed to spend on groceries on your fix; you won't end up in the hospital, you won't be physically crippled.... you won't. What about us? What about the people walking by; what about your children? We are all in this together. We need to battle these bad habits and form positive, beneficial ones. You are not alone and you never will be.
Stop the bad habits. It doesn't matter how long it takes, just fight the battle every day. If you slip, catch yourself on one of the cliff's rocks; you'll be hurt but at least you won't be dead. Make the change you need to make to better yourself... so that you can better us.

A Sort-of-Buddhist Asthmatic


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