Tuesday, January 21, 2014

More Goals She Says?

Life is full of experiences and we run around a lot without mindfulness if we don't make at least broad goals. I think it's time for me to set some new goals. I've already told you all about the Race to Abs with Alex but I'm thinking more adult goals like setting up internships and stuff. I'm 22 now and grad school seems like it's a quarter of the way done. Heck, it seems like it's the last semester with how fast everyone gets on things here. I really need to become more firm on my major's focus. I'm in my first archiving class, Cataloging and Classifying Nonbook Materials, which is nice so far but the actually cataloging part may not be my thing. There's always the learning curb to start off with so if by the middle of the semester I'm not feeling cataloging more, then I think maybe I should look more into Reference Librarianship.
So, with everything going on and my indecision needing to be made into decision, and after seeing the progress of my wonderful sister Kaitlin on her blog, I will make a list of goals!
1) Make a list of internships/volunteer work opportunities and get the information.
2) Actually write down all the job postings in my field that I find interesting.
3) Make use of thumb tacks.
4) Make a new friend by the end of the semester. (I know this one sounds kind of cheesy but it'd be nice to make a new friend that I can spend time with during school-- just to cover the basic life necessities of girls: you know, nails, talk about boys, watch chick flicks, do yoga, give hugs and maybe even go to the gym together).
5) Drink more hot tea. (I used to drink it often but now the frequency has withered to about once every two weeks).
6) Be a better friend. (More texting and calling, more simple 'hellos' and 'i was thinking of you todays'. Everyone sees a little more sunshine when their friend sends a smile.)
7) Get back to nature. (I love to be outdoors and I've enjoyed hiking. It's time to get back to it and breathe in the gift of life all around me when separated from technology. There needs to be balance.)
8) Find out about how to do summer semester courses.

I just realized this is the second list I've made on my blog, the first being my guidelines for healthier living. I like lists, they help me keep my focus. I've read recently that lists can hinder our ability to be open to life but I think that's only when you take it to extreme and when you forget to take care of yourself. If you have no time to breathe, I think breathing should definitely be put at the top of the list. Use lists to guide your day but don't let it dictate it. If you've been out running errands all day and you still have to go pick up light bulbs, it can wait. Get the light bulbs tomorrow, move them over to another list because breathing can't be moved. It needs to happen for you to have a happy life. Everything else can wait for at least a moment.

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