Monday, September 15, 2014

As It Is

"I carry your heart; I carry it in my heart." E.E. Cummings
Find this cute necklace at Meytolbarnoy's etsy!

This weekend went by in such a flash. Before I knew it my parents were out front of my apartment and likewise with them having to leave. The sofa works great downstairs and we're hoping to have the washer and dryer up and running tonight (running out undies ahh!!). I didn't make it to the gym this morning, I was feeling pretty groggy but it's really just my fault because I decided to watch Outlander while eating breakfast. My days really are determined by how I start them. If I watch a movie right after yoga-- unless I have signed up for a gym class-- I won't want to go to the gym. 
School work is still going well. I haven't done any today but I'm not behind on anything and I still have ample time to complete what I need to do. I was a little disappointed with myself on Friday when I turned in assignment to come to a realization that I didn't complete it in the manner the professor meant for me to. By then I knew it was too late. It was only the third week of class but I should have started on it a little earlier (I still gave myself a few days to get the interview questions back from the librarian) so I could ask my professor verifying questions.

Other than all that the apartment is coming along nicely. All Alex and I have left to do is: sell some tables, finish setting up the washer & dryer, get a new bed set, art work for the walls (maybe I can paint them?), get chairs for the dinner table, and put up some shelves. 
I'm happy that Alex and I are starting to have less to be stressed about with the apartment. It was a struggle at first because we didn't have places for things and then there were boxes everywhere... it was hectic.
Today we'll be handing back the keys to the old apartment and getting that huge desk out of there-- since no one actually went through with buying it. 

I will also be making my way to Joann's before it closes to get that double sided bias tape. Then I can move towards completion of my apron.

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