Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Too Lazy Days

Yay boho quilt-y-ness!

It's been two lazy days. While I did indeed finally get the double sided bias tape from Joann's, I have not applied it to the apron. Monday I went out with Alex to get stuff to get the washing machine all set (which yay now I can wash things but boo the dryer doesn't work). Yesterday, Tuesday, we went out to get more stuff from Home Depot and then return the bed set I had gotten from Target when we first moved in (I finally decided on a different one!). I still keep forgetting to get darn swiffer sweeper heads. I was so close to being productive with school stuff at least but then I got distracted by some notifications I received from the department. I can finally apply for fieldwork for next semester so I needed to email someone to figure out what paperwork I have to get together.
So I need to keep this post short so I can kick my butt to do my school work. I have found that keeping this idea in my head keeps me motivated: if I do my schoolwork now I'm free to do fun stuff when the opportunity presents itself later-- and it always presents itself later (especially if I've procrastinated earlier).
I do wish it wasn't raining this morning so I could've made it to the gym early but instead I walked Penny in the rain and found out that wind breakers are most certainly not equivalent to rain jackets-- at least not the one I have).

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