Friday, September 5, 2014

I Moved!

As you all know, I've moved into a new apartment. It turns out that just because it's around the corner, it doesn't mean it's easier than moving miles away. While Alex has been wonderful and has been doing so much for this move in addition to waking up early for work, I've been feeling icky and sick-- just so so exhausted. I woke up this morning thinking I'd need to call out of work but after some yoga and a nice bowl of oatmeal I managed to get myself to feeling okay. I've kept up with most assignments (though I do have an online lecture and a few readings to catch up with). So far not too bad. I'm feeling stressed with all the boxes and bags everywhere. I know we just moved and it's been a few days now but we don't have all our furniture (alex's desk) so there are so many things that just don't have a spot yet.
We're working on getting a washer and dryer; Alex's parents said we can borrow theirs and the pair should work with the space and hookups we have. How are we getting it from PSL to Tampa? My wonderful parents offered to drive it, along with a sofa (Yay!). So now we just have to plan when. Weekends work best for my parents so I'll need to arrange a day off or at least a half day. It's silly to have them drive all the way here but not be able to spend at least some time with them. I think a half day would be acceptable-- I'd get off around 2 ish.
Well I have to finish getting ready for work and take my allergy drops. It's a couple minutes added to my commute so I need to be on top of it.
I hope everyone's semester is going smoothly. I will hopefully be having some fun updates on craftiness soon. So far no word from the Crafting Club... and I have a ton of things I need to buy (bras, undies, tooth brush heads, etc.).

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