Friday, September 12, 2014

Choo! Choooooo!


I've been absent on my blog for too long, yet again. Change really does effect me and I'm slowly working with it. We have the new place mostly in order. My parents come on Sunday to bring us a sofa, and Alex's parent's washer and dryer (thank you!).
I've been doing a good job at keeping up with my school work; now I need to get back into a good workout habit. My new complex is in the middle of construction for their new gym so I'm just relying on my yoga for the days I work. The other days, I really need to kick my butt out the house and get to the campus gym.
I also can finally set a start date for my everyday craftiness! Though I haven't heard back from the Crafting Club (boo), I should go ahead and get started anyway. I'm going to go ahead and start my craftiness on this coming Monday, September 15th. I'm going to start off by finishing up that cute apron I started last month. I really look forward to sharing my progress with sewing and anything else crafty (in all honestly it may be mostly sewing because I suck right now).
So coming up: more gym time + everyday craftiness.

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