Friday, September 19, 2014

Breezy Clouds

Yesterday was quite productive. I worked on school stuff and got pretty much all of the laundry done. Yay for clean pants! I also cooked up an awesome dinner (with my honey's help of course!). I didn't get as much school work done as I wanted but it was good progress and I devoted a good amount of time. Definitely no more lazy days allowed-- it messed up my schedule too much. I would say I blame having cable now but I still don't really watch it much. 
This morning has started off pretty okay. I only have a few minutes to write but it's something. I really need to get back to the gym because I'm tired of feeling tired. I don't know why I'm so good with school work at this new place but I haven't gone to the gym once since we moved. Maybe it's because I haven't actually done the ride from here to the gym yet. I think once I get my butt going it'll be cake. Also, I'll be getting my new bike soon so there will be even more of a need to get out. 
Well, I have to finish getting ready for work. Have a good weekend everyone. Have fun this mid-September; dance in the rain. 

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