Friday, July 4, 2014

Hurricane In-Season

I'm here at a Hurricane Grill in PSL and it looks like I have six blog posts to make up for. Of course you all understand why and are wonderfully forgiving of my absence. I know you are all also eager to hear more about my brother's wedding and the cruise. So here I am working on catching all of you up.
This post is to make up for Sunday's post. You may have seen a post on Sunday but that one was making up for Saturday since I was busy with wedding stuff that day.
I woke up to go get hair and makeup done by the stylists selected by Jenny. They were both very nice and talented. They opened up my eyes and made my hair gorgeous.
(Quick note: I don't have any pictures really of this special day because I was a bridesmaid and there are no pockets on a bridesmaid dress. I was indeed mushed around the hotel with the other girls and Jenny to take pictures in the Florida sun so there will be pictures eventually. The families also got photos so I just have to snatch 'em.)
While we're on the topic of beauty stuff, I want to share that I have gotten compliments about me looking like a model. A very generous compliment if you ask me. Jenny was the most lovely I've ever seen her. Thinking of it now, she's the prettiest bride I have ever seen (and I've seen a lot on TV). Her fun and loving personality made her beautiful appearance that much more radiant. A true bridal beauty.
Her and my brother did the "first look" thing before the ceremony and it was lovely. It was so special that I'm happy I got to see. I know my mom wishes she could've been there too but so much was going on I was just following instructions. Luckily my amazing partner Alex stayed with her while everyone else was doing photos and running around.
There were a lot of tears on this special day-- as is appropriate. All happy tears. Mine were a mix of happy and worried. I'm getting to why. I'm not worried for Jenny and my brother-- they are wonderful together and I'm so happy to have Jenny and her family now a part of my own. I was all smiles and happy praises throughout pictures and the ceremony. It was at the reception that I cried. The tears came fast when my parents danced to their own wedding song as their wedding anniversary was the next day. Seeing them together like that was so beautiful, so special-- a good omen for my brother and Jenny's own marriage. After almost 30 years, my parents are still somehow together. The tears came because I hadn't seen my parents look at each other like that in a long time. After the initial beauty of the moment I became worried-- how long will it be until I got married? (That seemed to be the statement of the night: "You're next." As in, I'm the next to get married). Will my parents make it to my wedding with all the health issues they've been having? I don't want to have one of those days of sad mixed with happy. I want my wedding day to be one of the happiest of my life, not one without a parent. I want them to take better care of themselves but they've denied any of my help and suggestions. It's up to them whether or not they make it.
That was the only time I cried.
I wanted to cry a few times while on the cruise but I'll get to that in coming posts.

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