Monday, July 28, 2014

Spin To The Bed

It's been a month since I last did a group workout class let alone a high intensity one (and I still gotta get the last day of the cruise typed up!). I had originally decided to try yoga at 3:30 since my original Monday class was moved to 7:30. Then when I went to sign up I thought "why don't I try spinning at the rec?" And thus I sealed my fate of exhaustion. That ride kicked my butt and totally made me feel out of shape. I used to be really good with spinning-- well not like amazing but I did good enough to get through the class at a healthy challenging pace. I would go like once a week and even buddied up with one of my sisters, Danielle, to go to the class and do abs after. 
This new spin class was really tough on me and it's good because it's what I need to hop back on the bike, so to speak. It sucked just a little because I wasn't prepared. My body was just done after that spin class-- so done I just wanted to shlump and lay but for some reason my back was hurting. Thankfully the bicycle ride home is mostly down hill and only 10-15 minutes. 
So tomorrow I'm not sure yet what I have planned but I know I'm working out. It may just have to be arm day or something because I'm feeling so tired physically that my brain is running extra for it. Maybe it'll be a just Just Dance day. Probably not that though because Alex will need his rest when he gets home from his 4 AM. We shall see. 
And thus Monday says farewell. 

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