Thursday, July 10, 2014

It's Make Up Time-- and Not the Fun Kind With Kaitlin

I have twelve days of blog posts to make up for. How am I going to catch up? Two posts a day for six days. That'll be interesting. Here's my start on playing make up/catch up.

Not only am I behind in my blog posts but I'm also further behind than I'm comfortable with being in my school work. I'm really tired of online courses because there is so little motivation that even when I get excited about the topic it's hard to keep me there because there's no stimulus of hearing other people actually discuss and present. Some professors will say that doing video chat and such online makes it the same as a physical class but I highly disagree because of the digital crippling of social interaction. Physical class allows for people to meet and talk about topics other than class without seeming creepy by going out of the way to message a colleague (hey I see you have a LOK avatar, I really love that show.) It doesn't sound too weird to me because Alex has really got me to a point of being okay with speaking randomly to people-- I just need the opportunity to do so. Online class you just log on, listen to the professor read the slides to you, read a colleague's question about something the professor just answered. Yeah, it's lame. I miss feeling challenged in the classroom and, as weird as it is to say, mentally punished (whether by myself or the professor through a pop quiz) for not doing the readings.
So I have quite a bit to do this weekend and next week and then I'm free until fall semester at the end of August. Wow summer goes too fast... summer semesters are poo.
One week. I can do this. Silly annual cold is out of the way. I can do this.
Oh, yeah, if you didn't catch my Facebook post, I was sick the past three days. It figures: attend my brother's wedding, go on a family cruise, come back to work, then be sick for days so I can't focus on my school work. Poo.

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