Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Considering Birthday Plans

Yesterday was Susy Tuesday and it's always nice spending time with Kaitlin. I finally got her over to TacoSon and she loved it. She said it's her second favorite burrito of all time (first is Miguel's, of course-- she loves that place. For good reason: their salsa kicks butt!). So we ate that, then went over to Micheal's for paper and stuff for Kaitlin to use on a work project. Then we went to HomeDepot for clear coat to put on the Poke'mon board and then I think we went to Target to get colored pencils (WAY cheaper than Micheal's pencils).
When we finally made it back to the house, Alex laid down for a nap because he's on 4 AM's at work for a while (back to school time). It's tough adjusting to a new schedule because all the normal routine and such gets messed up and then we don't get to spend as much time together and then when we do spend time it's a concern about him getting enough sleep. It's rough but we'll make it through, it's only for a month or so.
While he was napping, Kaitlin and I ate ColdStone ice cream (somewhere in the time frame of Susy Tuesday we made it there) while looking up numbers to celebrate our birthdays Harry Potter style by going to the new Harry Potter section and stuff. We need a third person to make it more affordable so, Colie, I'm going to be calling you soon (since it is also your birthday in November!) to see if we can all do this together. If not, maybe my parents can help pay for some or maybe we'll just have to try for other options. Maybe only do a one day park-to-park and just get there before they even open. We know what rides will be the longest wait: Gringotts and the Hogwarts Express. And if we go during the week prior to Thanksgiving, maybe it'll work out... we shall see.
It's probably good to come up with a plan B. 

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