Friday, July 11, 2014

The Force Between Us

This morning I gave Alex a kiss before taking Penny for a walk because he'll often be already gone for work by the time I come back. I was coming around the corner when I saw him waiting to get into his car-- waiting for me. I waved and quickly dumped Penny's poop bag into the garbage so I could sprint across the street (safely) with Penny. I needed one more kiss to get me through the day. I tapped on his window with a smile and he happily opened it to give me the life force that makes each day matter.
It's funny how important and how special a simple thing like a kiss can be. People make kisses so complicated but in reality, when you're with your other half, a kiss is like being a magnet. You just get close and your lips meet. Like the force of nature it is. 
People search their whole lives for a perfect person but the problem is that they have the perfect person in their mind already. You can look for certain qualities and features in people all you want but when you des ruminate based on these restrictions you could be passing up your other half. The perfect person isn't going to be everything you expected and everything you looked for at first. Once you give them a chance, you find out that you were looking all wrong and your heart weeps with joy that you gave them a chance.
Once you're with them you most likely won't get everything you had thought you wanted in the past. This is a good thing because this person helps you find out more about yourself and the aspects and personality they carry with their being become more meaningful to you than the very air you breathe. And thus a kiss between two energies becomes a self-sustaining life force. Together, drawn by force (and chance), kept by compassionate love. 

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