Friday, July 18, 2014

Three Minutes

I have three minutes before I have to finish getting ready for work to write this post. It's been too long since my last post and I must say that it's been hard. I don't like how lazy I've been with so many things and it's going to change. It has to change. I know I've probably said it before but I need to keep on putting in a real effort. Not posting for this long is a real bummer because I've missed out on sharing so much (note to self: the butter in the fridge is bad. Throw it away). I don't know how I could possibly catch you up on all of it but I'll keep trying to post more posts to get up to what day I should be on... or maybe I should cut my losses? No. I really want to have a post for each day since I started-- whether it's about that day or not. I do have a post on the laser cat toy in the works so that'll be something fun to share.
I really am just relieved that this summer semester is almost done. I'm disappointed in myself with how I let myself get behind but it's my own fault and I need to accept it and grow. Procrastination finally didn't work out for me so hopefully that's the kick in the butt I need to be motivated with school in the Fall.
I hope everyone's weekend comes out to a great start tonight. I'll be working, as usual.


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