Sunday, July 13, 2014

I Didn't Forget Entirely

So I did write one post for yesterday but I did not publish it. Here is the second and I'll somehow have to get the two for today in later. Alex and I are going to do tennis after I get off of work so we'll see how I manage.

Portions are almost impossible on a cruise. There's so much food and it's already paid for. Now with the buffets it wasn't a problem since there was only a few selections for vegetarians/pescetarians. Likewise with dinner but dinner included appetizer, entrees and dessert. The main menu (which consisted of nearly ten items) changed every night and there was no way I wasn't going to try everything I could. Just wanted to shpeal about the food real quick before I climb into the next day on the cruise.

Wednesday, July 2nd the cruise was supposed to take port in Coco Cay but weather did not permit with the tropical storm brewin and stewin up the east coast. So the captain gave us a day at sea. It started out with cloudy weather but cleared up and turned out to be a sunny partly cloudy day. The family spent time by the pool, my brother won the belly flop competition, and my brother, Gina, and I went rock climbing. We all made it to the top! It's been a long time since I had rock climbed (like over ten years) and it saddens me that I have such a fear for heights that it caused a panic attack near to the top of the wall. I ran out of options and couldn't see how to climb any further. The person holding my line helped me out and I made it to the top and rang that victory bell. Very exciting. My fingers hurt afterwards.
I think I may have taken a nap before dinner.
After dinner was karaoke. My brother and I sang Barbie Girl by Aqua and my goodness I forgot how high pitched the song is. After karaoke was a Battle of the Sexes game. I made the mistake of volunteering for the round where we have to pop a balloon on a team mate in rather suggestive positions. Mine was from behind. I tried to pop a balloon by humping another girl. It wouldn't pop and we lost. It was very awkward infringement of my family.
After Battle of the Sexes ensued more awkwardness with a game called Quest. It was done in teams of six. On my team was my dad, me, my brother, Jenny, Gina, and Michael. The object of the game was to do whatever task was given. For example: a male team member comes to the floor wearing four bras on their head. Another quest was a team member doing the worm-- which is how I hurt my left knee. Never try the worm without seeing someone else do it first. Watch your knees. What made this game most awkward was me trading clothes with my brother in front of my family and the crowd. The quest was to trade clothes with a person of opposite sex on your team. I traded my dress for his shirt. Then he and Jenny shielded me from the crowd so I could redress. Not that the crowd hadn't already seen my bra and undies. 
So that was all awkward but tons of fun. 
I passed out afterwards but before I closed my eyes I mostly just thought of Alex and how I'd be seeing him again soon. I had fun but it really made me miss Alex because I know he would've made it even funner. (People use the word fun that way but I'm still skeptical about it being proper. Heck we live in America, propriety doesn't really matter anyway).

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