Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How Not To Make A Pre-Yoga Morning Juice

Attempt number one consisted of:
Broccoli, gala apple, almond juice, and honey. 
I can tell you right now broccoli is not meant to be in juice. It was so oddly textured and I think it may just be me because I don't like raw broccoli. Perhaps ill give the almond milk, apple and honey a chance by themselves next time. 

Attempt number two:
Gala apple, green tea, whey chocolate flavored protein powder.
Apples tea and chocolate protein powder taste like an apple dipped in warm green tea chocolate. Doesn't sound bad but my attempts to force it down were futile. This one was a big no as well. 
As I really wanted to get my morning started I opted out of a morning juice for a plain banana with water. I need to look up juice recipes. I think I'll stick to only spinach and kale in my juice. After the broccoli, veggies sound weird to drink. 
Note: these are not to replace meals but merely to get some energy and my metabolism going for my morning yoga. 
I'm going to force this habit back into my every day; I will bring my mat with me everywhere just like my water bottle. This is the healthy habit I've missed most and with the big change from college environment with a lot available to nothing at home, I need to hold onto the wonder of my mat. So much comes from that beat up old thing. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


When you don't have a gym with access to machines and weights, everything changes.
I've learned that, like any other routine, a workout must be flexible. We often rely too much on ellipticals tredmills and anything that is a product created by corporations to gain the focus of people in the workout community. 
I have loved the gym for some time now-- the atmosphere and all the equipment needed for easy dummy-proof fitness is available. But what happens when the gym is taken away? What happens when the person who is best at buying real food (produce-- the food earth provides for us) is stripped of their funds and they must rely on others who have the money but lack the understanding of the difference between food and a product?
In America everything has a price: fitness, food, and over-all well being. This is against the natural order of life yet Americans solute themselves with their negative nutrition meals and artificialized lives. 
At school I was in prime position for a healthy me-- I had the money to buy my own food and the schedule and location to workout. Now that I'm home I see I must be ever more flexible in my life. Life is change and diet and fitness are no different. 
If we are to survive and thrive as we choose, we must adapt. Adapt as creatures of earth are meant to. 
It's been tough dealing with less energy rich foods filled with simple carbs and sugars, while lacking the opportunities to burn it all off. I don't own a bicycle and I am literally about to step through my sneakers. On the occasions I have to lift at Alex's house, I do it wearing socks because my shoes provide instability as opposed to support. 
It's a big change and I need to create and force things if I have any hope of working towards where I want to be physically. 
Luckily I do have Alex and Colie, along with others, who support me in my decisions. I also have yoga. My mat may be physically falling apart but every time I step on and breathe, I feel the connection, the drive. I just have to find the way. 
As for food, I need to be more stern with my parents about what I actually eat. 
I hope your rainy Tuesday evening is going well. Maybe the sky will clear up for the stars tonight. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Rainy in the Sunshine State

I like to think being able to run across a parking lot, in the rain, while wearing clothes for an interview, and still being able to giggle because you're stepping in puddles and getting all wet as a sign of a full body of happy, positive energy.
It might be a rainy Wednesday here in the Treasure Coast but it's all a part of nature. If you can't giggle in the rain, I think you may need to adjust your observation. How does rain not feel silly when you're all dressed up for an interview?
Put on your goloshes and pull out your umbrellas. Sunshine is wonderful but balance is key. 
If you really need a giggle and the tears of a cloud aren't enough, here's a cute photograph of a doggie underwater. Photo was not taken by me-- found it in a book on my way to the potty at Barnes & Noble. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


On mornings after a work out, I often wake up and see me as myself in the mirror. It's not that I don't see me, it's just that I really see me-- I see a transformative person who knows that life is full of change. If life is change then I can choose the changes.
I've come a long way from being that chubby girl who didn't know anything about nutrition. Looking back, I see that it was all necessary for me to become who I see in the mirror now-- and I see someone who knows Truth and can make happiness. 
There are too many aspects of life to be happy about to focus on only the sad. Viva la vida. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Drinking Your Fruit? Drinking Your Breakfast?

There has been a growing big craze for meal shakes and such and, to be entirely honest, I think it's a bit weird to drink your food. Smoothies are awesome and so are protein shakes, but not as meal replacements. I feel smoothies should be treated as treats and snacks while protein shakes are for recovery and sustainability.
I've never been one to do protein shakes-- frankly because protein powder is quite pricey and, being a student, it would be another expense that isn't quite necessary. Fruits, veggies, and other high-protein sources that are natural to the earth are perfectly adequate for healing and growing muscles. 
As far as any kind of shake goes, I made a smoothie shake thingy this morning with spinach, banana, strawberries, apple, almond milk, honey, and ice. I was inspired by the idea of green drinks; I'm super interested because it would be ideal for having before a longer morning routine. My yoga teacher mentioned it helps her feel energized and hydrated without being weighed down or feeling sloshing. If I recall correctly hers is made with kale, ginger, apple, and green tea. It's much lighter than what I made today but mine was drank post-yoga. 
I'm going to look more into green drinks. They sound both nutritious and cleansing. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Back to Nature

Morning yoga truly transforms when you practice outdoors. 
The warmth of the sun allows you to stretch farther and deeper, opening you up to new poses; the fresh air permits happy healthy breathes; the sounds of nature help you connect-- to root yourself back to the world as it is without humans. 
Just like allowing your leg hair to grow back for a few days before shaving again, yoga outside allows for smooth, refreshing energy. It doesn't have to be done all the time, but when it is, you feel anew and confident.

Go outside and get some fresh air. Reconnect with the earth. Recognize the peace among the chaos of everyday America waiting to be realized. 


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Good Morning

Mornings are lovely. The world gets its last few moments of calm and nature starts her lively day.
There is something just so peaceful about the wind in the trees, birds chirping and a morning yoga session. All I can think while bein apart of a morning like this is "Breathe. Just breathe."

Saturday, May 11, 2013

This Little Corner

"Each of us feels some aspect of the world's suffering acutely. And we must pay attention. We must act. This little corner of the world is ours to transform. This little corner of the world is ours to save." -Stephen Cope

We have strength and we have the power of decision. Take control of the self and embrace the energy within.

I'm done with undergrad and I've been accepted to USF's library science program but now I'm worried about what I will love in the future... I'm worried that i won't be spending my time in a passionate manner. I love my yoga practice and I am advancing... I just don't ever want a job to take that time away. Working at the movie theater provides odd hours and my workouts have been suffering, and are practically nonexistent, because of it. I imagine there are many people who feel a rut when finishing school and haven't found a job other than an entry level one. 
I have to find ways to make time again and still do the things I love when in home. Change is truly necessary. No such thing as a forever routine if you're living your life. Even brushing your teeth doesn't happen at exactly the same time every day of your life.  

Happy Mothers Day, mother, nature, and universe.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sweet Baby Carrots! City Place.

I'm head over heels for City Place. I've been to it quite a few times and I simply love the atmosphere, the quality of the shops and restaurants. This past Christmas I took Alex to BB Kings Blues Bar and the music was excellent, paired with the most delightful Bourbon Pecan Pie.
This past Tuesday we had lunch at Sweet Ginger, a Chinese-Thai restaurant. I highly recommend the Pineapple Fried Rice with Tofu. It's positively delicious. I would show you a picture but I ate that too. The Drunken Noodles weren't bad either but not nearly as exciting as the Pineapple Fried Rice. We also ordered some Vietnamese Spring Rolls; they're good palate cleansers but I wouldn't recommend them as an appetizer or for someone, like myself, who is rather particular about the use of mint leaves.

Other than BB Kings and Sweet Ginger, there is an abundance of places to marvel like this decadent sweet shop that I went crazy on with my camera. I don't remember the name but I recall it being in the main square so you can't miss it.
For a night out, or just a relaxing afternoon window shopping and drooling over goodies, City Place is wonderful. There are plenty of bars and night life options to choose from.
The following pictures are of the ice cream shop!:

Greeted by adorable what-ya-ma-call-its. 

Alex found the candies. Jelly-bean heaven and multiple other hard candies. 

Fudge! And cute cookies! They also have fancy chocolates like my favorite place, Kilwin's, but that picture doesn't want to cooperate with the blog. BOO.

Nutella Vanilla Ice Cream on a Chocolate Sprinkle Waffle Cone

Choo-Choo train! When this one stops, the other goes and back and forth. 

Adult-turning-back-into-child-friendly place that feeds you sweet treats. <3
They have silly gum, too! I had bought a "don't have stupid children" one for my friend Marry;
I think this is the same  line.

I love ice cream. Totally worth the Lactaid pill.