Friday, June 13, 2014

Just To Match

I recall the time when Alex bought me the Hungry Oh So Hungry T-shirt from Shirt-Woot (Hungry Hippos meets Hunger Games). He loved it so much that he bought himself one, too. He was visiting when I received mine in the mail and I was like "We have to both wear our shirts to go see The Hunger Games today!" And we did.
Since then, we haven't been allowed to match-- it's too cutesy for my honey bear. Well, today I'll match one of his blog posts. Cosplay excitement and anxiety towards when we get our sewing machine back are what we feel much of the time. We're both working hard at our fitness and I stand by what I said about it improving our relationship and giving the big nudge he and I needed to really bring our activity level to, well, the next level.
One of Alex's recent posts was a list of cosplays he would like to do (obviously not all at once), so I thought I would share mine.

Sally Jupiter (Silk Spectre's mom)

This one I got super excited about after seeing another cosplayer do it quite well. When I get to this one, I think the toughest part will be the hair (these styles were done with short hair). I really like the idea of this cosplay because I love pin-up style and it would be really fun to portray such a sexy, flirty character.

The New Maleficent (dark)

(AND fairy!)

After seeing the Maleficent movie, I immediately knew I had to do it as a cosplay someday. There are so many challenging aspects that you can already tell it's beyond my current level of skill. I will save this desire for when my sewing skills hold minimal flaws and gaps. This is a cosplay that I know will be close to me because it's about showing a side of the story that no one's ever heard and it's just so magical. I don't care how wrong people say it is or how inaccurate anything is, this movie is now one of my favorites.

Red Lantern OC

Of course, there will be my Red Lantern costume which will serve as Alex and my debut. I won't be doing Bleez specifically; instead, I will be looking at her, Antipathy, and other female lanterns for inspiration to design my original character. I know i'll be wearing black boots so I need to incorporate most of the red into the outfit itself  (gloves perhaps). So far I'm pretty sure I'll want a neck corset and a one-piece style swimsuit kind of outfit. Alex and I are pretty sure we'll need to take the costumes to be embroidered at a shop.
I want to do this Red Lantern because it'd be nice to match Alex since we're coming out together. I also chose Red Lantern because they're the anti-heroes and, like with Maleficent, they are neither hero nor villain (Or, if you watched the movie, both a hero and a villain)-- they see injustice and those who lack compassion and they do what they can to cleanse the evil. If there's a tragic, horrible death or crime and enough rage is emitted from someone, the Red Lanterns are the ones who will crash in and give you the revenge you deserve.

Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite)

The only other cosplay that I'm considering is Elizabeth and I'm drawn to her because I love how she comes to learn her powers and, while the story took me for a crazy turn (especially when I discovered there is no alternate ending but, at the same time, infinite alternate endings), I did like how she turned out and took control. Plus she's cute and I love her starting outfit.

1 comment:

  1. A tutorial on Sally Jupiter's hair style


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