Monday, June 2, 2014

Welcome To The Blog Community!

I had this typed up and ready to post on Friday but didn't get around to it. BOO. BOO. Well here it is and Saturday and Sunday's posts will follow.

I don't think I've shared with all of you the news of Alex joining the blogging community. Well now you know and let's all give him a big welcome: inside story on the name of the blog is a conversation Alex and I were having. I don't remember what he said but I felt like replying with silliness and said " 'cause fabric. That's why. Just 'cause fabric."
He started the blog one day after telling me I should post about our paper mâché projects for cosplay. Because he and I have different styles for the blog, his is pretty good for crafty instruction. Right now he has posts of how to make a paper mâché mold for a mask-- trial and error. I believe he will have up a new one on making a messenger bag soon. I'm also sure he'll be posting companion posts to mine once we're deeper into our cosplay craft. We might do a dual post and have them linked. We shall see how it goes. And, just to express myself, I am so so antsy to work on cosplay stuff but there's time we have to wait to do it. I need to come up with mini projects to do to build up my skill level. Still waiting on the silly needle clamp and then I gotta order a zipper foot.

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