Monday, June 16, 2014

Red Lantern Binge!

After weeks of looking at different comic shops Alex and I finally found the Red Lantern comic issues we need to catch up to the current one. You can bet when we got home I binged on all the ones I've been waiting to read (I don't like to read out of order so I wait for the next one even if I have the one right after that).
This week I need to get my hair trimmed (yay I'm going with Kaitlin), work on assignments so I'm not worrying about them during my brother's wedding, and decide whether I want to get my nails done or just do them myself. I also need to call Keep It In Stitches to see if they've even gotten started working on our sewing machine. I'm really anxious to get it back so I can actually practice sewing stuff. I know Alex is too but he's found projects around that obstacle. He hand sewed a jersey-knit fabric into a pull-over mask (Rorschach). Tampa Bay Comic Con is getting closer and closer and I still don't know what I'm going to wear. It'd be nice to dress up at least with a nerdy t-shirt but I don't have any. (Maybe I'll buy one, I know plenty of websites with awesome t's). 

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