Thursday, June 19, 2014

Time To Get Sewin'

Just some funny cuteness.

I'm almost finished with the Poke'mon board! All that's left is the Ninetails and I must say I'm nervous. The pencil outline looks amazing and I'm worried I won't be able to keep all the detail outlines when painting. I have a very fine-headed brush which is awesome for small details (such as with this occasion) but sometimes it's not enough without a surgeon's hand.
More exciting news is Alex and I got our sewing machine back. It's all ready to go and the only somewhat negative comment the people at Keep Me In Stitches had to say was that, because it's an old machine, the motor needs a little help getting started. In order to give it the necessary push, they said to spin the hand wheel manually then it should go just fine. On the plus side we have 60 days to bring it back if anything goes wrong. So it's time to really get sewin'!
I'd really like to make a clutch but there's no way I have enough time to do that and everything else I need to do before the wedding. It'll have to be a clutch for another occasion but I'd definitely love to work on one. Anyone have any cute ideas? I'm on the hunt for free online patterns and such.

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