Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Take Control With The Earth

To all those people who have issues or doubts about using what the earth gives as medicine, how much more proof do you need? How many more health problems need to arise from eating products as food in order for everyone to see? How many more people need to get sick for U.S. companies to realize that the product they call food is actually the source of obesity, mal-nourishment, and growth disabilities? The answer to the last one is the toughest to answer because, in a society where money and status with things are more important than the health and happiness of everyone around you, it doesn't matter to those with greed. Those with greed, with the desire to look good but not actually be good don't care about the possible health issues that follow from eating a so-called nutritious cereal, a nutritious wholesome school lunch, and healthy alternatives to food that cause issues if ingested at the rate suggested by advertisements (soy milk-- no thank you Monsanto. You can keep your manipulation, greed, and toxins to yourself. Roundup Ready? You're lucky the government supports you or else the people who read labels and research pesticides, ingredients and such would have rounded up your asses long ago.)
Be smart about what you put into your body. I'm not saying stop eating burritos or stop cleaning your bathroom. I'm saying, stop thinking that just because the government allows a company to put a product on the shelf, doesn't mean it's safe for your body or the environment.
There are known carcinogens in Lysol cleaning sprays. A safer and better cleaning item to use is something you can mix up at home. In a spray bottle, pour in vinegar 1/3 of the way and water 2/3. Add a bit of lemon juice-- fresh squeezed or bottled. Spray everything to your hearts content and wipe away.
Instead of buying a frozen burrito, buy the tortillas (read the labels-- food should NOT be able to last more than two weeks once it's opened without being refrigerated. If you buy a tortilla brand and you've opened it, let it sit on the counter for two weeks, it still doesn't have mold or anything growing on it, then you shouldn't be eating it), meat/beans, cheese and such yourself. Save money, make more, and know exactly what you're putting in it.
These are just examples of how you can control the amount of chemicals that you breathe in and let into your body, though I highly suggest the lemon vinegar spray. I use it all the time in the kitchen and bathroom and I haven't gotten sick in over a year.
Use what comes from the earth instead of using products created in a lab that need to be tested time and again and still have strong potential to harm you and your family.

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