Monday, June 23, 2014

The Social Sharer & Perpetual Cleaner

I didn't get nearly as much of my school work done. I don't know why but I've been having trouble finding the information I need for one of the assignments. I mean, I have a bunch of notes that could potentially be the main points needed but there isn't enough supporting information (it's mostly speculation which is probably what the professor wants--BS papers. Who doesn't love those?).

So tomorrow and Wednesday just got even more busy.
My game plan for tomorrow is:
Wake up at 8:15.
Feed Penny, walk her.
20 minutes on the elliptical.
Breakfast and school stuff.
Go to the mall and get two new bras so I'm not in sweaty itchy ones during the cruise (the ones I have are just washed but I don't know how much I'll be sweating on the cruise nor how often I'll actually be in my bathing suit).
Pick up Kaitlin for Susy Tuesday.
Go get my eyebrows done.
Come back to the apartment and do nails.
Probably some Just Dance!
Lunch somewhere in there.
After I bring Kaitlin home, try and get some school stuff in.
Make the list of super crucial items to pack for the wedding & cruise.

Wake up 8:15.
Feed & walk Penny.
20 minutes elliptical.
Breakfast, school stuff for about an hour.
On the road by early to mid-afternoon depending on when Alex gets off work.
When I get home, dinner with my parents. School work.
Bed time.

Best fren' time!!!
School stuff at night if it's not done and I have time.

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