Monday, June 9, 2014


BOO! I was doing so good! BOO!
Oh well, here's for Sunday.

I was originally going to write a post just about KISS and what it means to Alex and I but more stuff for my brother's wedding has come up and it's making me more and more excited! Jenny had sent me a text after work telling me that her and my brother would like to pay for my hair and makeup for the wedding as a gift. My mom had received the same offer but, for some reason, decided to tell Jenny that I'll be doing my own hair and makeup. Yes mom that was the original plan to save us a little money but if it's being offered as a gift, I'm not going to say no! So I told Jenny yes and hopefully I didn't complicate things with my makeup and hair ideas (or the fact I'd like them to use my extensions).
I do feel a little bad because Kaitlin was helping me with my makeup for the big day but only a little because we had so much fun messing with makeup and I can still use her makeup tips and the makeup we bought for other occasions (like the wedding's rehearsal brunch!).


And... that above is what Rinpoche wanted to share with all of you while I was brushing my teeth. He has shared the secret to happiness: step on keyboards while your mom is in the bathroom and giggle yourself to sleep when she discovers what you've done.

So you're all probably wondering "Is she going to tell us about KISS?!" And the answer is yes, of course. KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid. It's a motto Alex and I use when cooking or deciding on clothes, makeup, any sort of design for around the house or whatever. You are more likely to make a mess or just mess up something if you take in too many factors. If you are selective and arrange things simply, then you are more likely to be happy with the result (unless you enjoy messy and/or complicated).

Simple: Fairy in a tree with an apple. It's beautiful, no?

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