Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Men Do Stress But Deal Well

I realized today that I won't be able to post anything while I'm on the cruise. To use the Internet is a rediculious charge per minute. So I will need to just make it up the week after. I will do my best to take loads of pictures and take notes of everything so I don't forget. 
Speaking of forgetfulness it astounds me how much I forgot to bring home with me this trip. I am not allowing myself to pack while chatting with a bestie ever again. I loved talking with you Colie but you know how I can get scattered brained and such. 
I ended up forgetting pajamas so I'll need to get a couple pieces tomorrow. I also forgot my yoga mat which really disappointed me but luckily Colie is awesome and is lending me hers to do yoga on the cruise. (YAY!) I can contain the excitement just slightly-- within parenthesis. Im happy I'll get to see her and Marry tomorrow. Lunch, Jammie shopping and Just Dance Wii U time will be splendid! ^_^
Just an update, I didn't get to spend time with Kaitlin because she got sick (I hope you're feeling better!) but I did manage to get one of my assignments done and turned in  (go me). 
It's only two days until the wedding and I can feel the stress from my brother because he wants it all just right. I made sure to be a good sister and reassure him that he's going to look handsome and the wedding will be lovely. It turns out men do feel the pressure of everything being just right for a wedding. 

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