Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Just A Formal Gown Effect (JAF-GE): Ten Reasons For Pockets

There are many reasons why pockets need to be added to fancy gowns. Some are cosmetic while others are just for capturing memories.

Reason number one:
When taking very important photographs, you don't want to be having to worry about forgetting your phone on a ledge somewhere in a garden but you also don't want to be that person that has their phone so attached to their hip that the bride remembers ten years down the road when viewing her precious memories.

Reason number two:
You don't want to be the one to ask the bride's mother to leave her daughter's wedding just to go back to her room to get your phone and/or camera (which you left there because the photographers promised you would have time to go back).

Reason number three:
There will be pictures-- ALL night-- and it's better to have floss than some broccoli or spinach in your teeth for the rest of that captured moment's life.

Reason number four:
You're going to regret not taking photos of your brother's wedding yourself. If you don't have your camera/(smart)phone, you will end up waiting who knows how long until you can see photos. Not to mention they will be the professional ones-- not the ones that captured all the moments that were close to you.

Reason number five:
Your parents will dance and be the most lovely display of long-term marriage romantic-ness and you will cry and want pictures because it is indeed beautiful. Getting repetitive but this is a personal blog so I can do that.

Reason number six:
Your hair will fall out or move out of place due to joining the party on the dance floor.

Reason number seven:
You may need some drugs (i.e. ibuprofen, lact-aid, tums, etc.).

Reason number eight:
It is possible you will want to write down new phone numbers of family members you rarely ever get to see.

Reason number nine:
If you're mushy or you think you will be, it's the perfect spot for tissues.

Reason number ten:
Extra underwear and a panty liner. You never can tell what's going to happen. Whether you're close to that time of the month or you found yourself sweating off not only your makeup but your current pair of undies, extra undies will help you stay fresh down there.

Snatched these pictures from one of Jenny's college friends. I'm telling you, HAVE A CAMERA!

We weren't even sorority sisters but now we are bound by her and my brother's union of love. It's so nice to have more family. Love you Jenny, my new big sis! <3

Friday, June 27, 2014

Contagious Stress Vibes For No Reason

There is a lot going on here in the boca hotel resort. Everything is fancy and expansive. The toughest part is that I'm always last to know everything. I'm not being particular or fussy-- it'd just be nice not to be led to believe something then something entirely different be thrust upon me. I will do whatever is asked of me I just don't like to be mislead or made confused. 
So I'll just leave it at there's a lot going on for now. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Men Do Stress But Deal Well

I realized today that I won't be able to post anything while I'm on the cruise. To use the Internet is a rediculious charge per minute. So I will need to just make it up the week after. I will do my best to take loads of pictures and take notes of everything so I don't forget. 
Speaking of forgetfulness it astounds me how much I forgot to bring home with me this trip. I am not allowing myself to pack while chatting with a bestie ever again. I loved talking with you Colie but you know how I can get scattered brained and such. 
I ended up forgetting pajamas so I'll need to get a couple pieces tomorrow. I also forgot my yoga mat which really disappointed me but luckily Colie is awesome and is lending me hers to do yoga on the cruise. (YAY!) I can contain the excitement just slightly-- within parenthesis. Im happy I'll get to see her and Marry tomorrow. Lunch, Jammie shopping and Just Dance Wii U time will be splendid! ^_^
Just an update, I didn't get to spend time with Kaitlin because she got sick (I hope you're feeling better!) but I did manage to get one of my assignments done and turned in  (go me). 
It's only two days until the wedding and I can feel the stress from my brother because he wants it all just right. I made sure to be a good sister and reassure him that he's going to look handsome and the wedding will be lovely. It turns out men do feel the pressure of everything being just right for a wedding. 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Take Control With The Earth

To all those people who have issues or doubts about using what the earth gives as medicine, how much more proof do you need? How many more health problems need to arise from eating products as food in order for everyone to see? How many more people need to get sick for U.S. companies to realize that the product they call food is actually the source of obesity, mal-nourishment, and growth disabilities? The answer to the last one is the toughest to answer because, in a society where money and status with things are more important than the health and happiness of everyone around you, it doesn't matter to those with greed. Those with greed, with the desire to look good but not actually be good don't care about the possible health issues that follow from eating a so-called nutritious cereal, a nutritious wholesome school lunch, and healthy alternatives to food that cause issues if ingested at the rate suggested by advertisements (soy milk-- no thank you Monsanto. You can keep your manipulation, greed, and toxins to yourself. Roundup Ready? You're lucky the government supports you or else the people who read labels and research pesticides, ingredients and such would have rounded up your asses long ago.)
Be smart about what you put into your body. I'm not saying stop eating burritos or stop cleaning your bathroom. I'm saying, stop thinking that just because the government allows a company to put a product on the shelf, doesn't mean it's safe for your body or the environment.
There are known carcinogens in Lysol cleaning sprays. A safer and better cleaning item to use is something you can mix up at home. In a spray bottle, pour in vinegar 1/3 of the way and water 2/3. Add a bit of lemon juice-- fresh squeezed or bottled. Spray everything to your hearts content and wipe away.
Instead of buying a frozen burrito, buy the tortillas (read the labels-- food should NOT be able to last more than two weeks once it's opened without being refrigerated. If you buy a tortilla brand and you've opened it, let it sit on the counter for two weeks, it still doesn't have mold or anything growing on it, then you shouldn't be eating it), meat/beans, cheese and such yourself. Save money, make more, and know exactly what you're putting in it.
These are just examples of how you can control the amount of chemicals that you breathe in and let into your body, though I highly suggest the lemon vinegar spray. I use it all the time in the kitchen and bathroom and I haven't gotten sick in over a year.
Use what comes from the earth instead of using products created in a lab that need to be tested time and again and still have strong potential to harm you and your family.

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Social Sharer & Perpetual Cleaner

I didn't get nearly as much of my school work done. I don't know why but I've been having trouble finding the information I need for one of the assignments. I mean, I have a bunch of notes that could potentially be the main points needed but there isn't enough supporting information (it's mostly speculation which is probably what the professor wants--BS papers. Who doesn't love those?).

So tomorrow and Wednesday just got even more busy.
My game plan for tomorrow is:
Wake up at 8:15.
Feed Penny, walk her.
20 minutes on the elliptical.
Breakfast and school stuff.
Go to the mall and get two new bras so I'm not in sweaty itchy ones during the cruise (the ones I have are just washed but I don't know how much I'll be sweating on the cruise nor how often I'll actually be in my bathing suit).
Pick up Kaitlin for Susy Tuesday.
Go get my eyebrows done.
Come back to the apartment and do nails.
Probably some Just Dance!
Lunch somewhere in there.
After I bring Kaitlin home, try and get some school stuff in.
Make the list of super crucial items to pack for the wedding & cruise.

Wake up 8:15.
Feed & walk Penny.
20 minutes elliptical.
Breakfast, school stuff for about an hour.
On the road by early to mid-afternoon depending on when Alex gets off work.
When I get home, dinner with my parents. School work.
Bed time.

Best fren' time!!!
School stuff at night if it's not done and I have time.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Two Weeks Of Wonderful Chaos

While I don't consider the coming weeks to be true chaos, I do define it as such because they will be very different from the norm. I will be continuing my good habits of eating my fruits and veggies while being active and working out. Other than that I will need to set myself to a strict to do list for the next two days in order for my trip home, the wedding, and the cruise to be as stress free as possible.
Monday To Do:
Normal Monday morning routine plus the complex's gym and a long walk with Penny.
I need to call my allergist to see about whether I should wait until after the cruise to start my treatment.
Then I need to text Colie to see about her availability for Thursday. 
Afterwards is strictly dedicated to school work. Getting assignments done and in early so I'm not worried about them when I have to pay per minute for Internet on the cruise. 
Depending on whether or not I finish all the school work I need to finish, I can work on my brother and Jenny's wedding gift. I don't think it counts as last minute if I've had everything and just need to put it all together. 

Tuesday To Do:
Susy Tuesday will prevail! So of course I'm going to spend time with Kaitlin. We re going to do our nails together. I decided to just do it at home to save money. 
If the wedding gift still isn't done I can work on it while Kaitlin's over. It's been a while since we go crafty together. 
I also need a refresher makeup session. Luckily I have all the stuff I need so Kaitlin doesn't have to lug even half of her supply. 
I'm sure we ll think of more fun stuff to do along the way. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Chorus, I'm Not A Skinny Bitch (Just A Compassionate Woman)

There are more and more songs that I enjoy only for the chorus and it makes me with I had a cool talent with mixing music like that girl in Pitch Perfect.
When I went to start writing this blog post I couldn't think of anything other than remnants of my conversation with Alex about an article on 'Fat' and this song.

What started the conversation on body weight and such was this article. While it is written well, the science behind it isn't there. If you know me at all, I am not a fat shame-r nor am I a skinny bitch. However, an article like this is so misguided. Yes, I want people who are over weight to find and hold onto their confidence and be happy but there is nothing healthy about being unhealthy. The linked article's second 'fact' is what really burst my bubble. The title of number two's section?: Fat people don't all have poor eating and exercise habits.
Um... what? No. Just no. People who are excessively overweight (obese) do indeed have either bad eating habits, poor to no exercise/activity habits, or both. If you change what you eat and how much you eat-- that alone is going to change your weight (and your health). Adding more activity to your life will also change your weight (and health). While some people are 'lucky' with high metabolisms and can eat as much as they want (some have trouble gaining weight), others will feel the weight of unluckiness.
Now obesity has nothing to do with luck. Yes, a person's entire family may have a history of obesity but generally people eat the same exact food and adopt the same habits as their family--thus contributing to them following suite with the "genetic obesity." Logically, it has nothing to do with genetics but everything to do with habits. If a person's parents eat three big macs a day, and they go on to eat three big macs a day, they are most likely going to have a similar weight and health level.

The third 'fact' in this article is titled: Fat itself isn't unhealthy. Okay, I'm listening again because it is true that the body does need small amounts of fat (healthy fats like that from nuts and avocado). But then I read the section and I was frustrated again with the lack of scientific evidence and consideration this person contributed to the writing of this article. I will share the section that made me just discredit this author:
"If being fat were inherently bad for us, then weight loss should bring about innumerable health benefits. But that's not always the case: Multiple studies have seen little to no connection between weight loss and decreased risk of mortality.
In fact, some studies have found that fat people are more likely to survive cardiac events and that being overweight can have a positive influence on longevity.
What's more, losing significant weight is very difficult, and intense yo-yo dieting can cause plenty of health problems, too."
First of all, we all die. I've spoken about this with all you readers a couple times before. We all die whether we are the most fit or the most unhealthy person in the world.
Second, 'fat people' are more likely to have cardiac events and do so at younger ages that others. Usually the other percentage of people who have cardiac events are elderly.
Third, yes losing weight can be a challenge when you have to change all your habits to see healthy successful results. 'Yo-yo dieting' as this author refers to main-stream America's definition of dieting, can of course be bad because this so called yo-yo-ness is based on quick fixes which don't really work. The only healthy way to lose weight is indeed by changing what we eat and our activity level. Start where you can then build up from there. Cut out sodas, eat more green veggies, take your dog for a walk around the block (they can be the sweetest motivators), start swimming, go for a hike, join a spinning class-- it all adds up as long as you keep building. Enjoy a slice or two of your favorite pizza but don't eat it every night-- you eat for nutrition and you can't waist so many eating sessions on food with such a narrowed, limited nutrient food. If you feel 'guilty' after eating the slice or two even though you enjoyed them, go for an extra walk around the block.

The quality of our lives is dependent on our health.
Our health depends on our habits.
Habits can be made and broken.

I just want to make sure I'm leaving you on a good note, reader. I think everyone, no matter their size, is beautiful in their own unique way; I believe that the issue that keeps coming up is health. If a person is told by a doctor that they are at a very unhealthy weight (including the consideration of muscle), they should not take it as an insult. Instead it should be taken as a genuine concern. Being over weight is a serious matter and causes serious health issues for the individual now and in the long run. It's not fat shaming when someone expresses genuine concern for those with super excess weight; it's called being compassionate and recognizing that our society lacks a healthy system for supporting healthy eating and activity habits within families.


Big Surprise.

I missed Friday's post. Surprise surprise.

Yesterday was alright, fairly busy at work. I was made aware of a big mistake I made when ringing a transaction up the previous weekend which made me realize how much I both enjoy and need the job at Worm's Way. I enjoy it because I have so many opportunities to learn, I get paid and am guaranteed hours every weekend whether people show up or not (I do, indeed, prefer people coming to the store though-- the day is a drag without customers!). I also enjoy helping people by sharing my knowledge on growing plants in soil or in hydroponics. I need the job because money is necessary to not only be a part of American society but also to buy food and pay bills.
Since being brought aside by my manager I've been extra aware of my transactions. My manager says my work performance otherwise is excellent and people like me so ringing up sales is pretty much the biggest thing I need to keep an extra extra close eye on.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Time To Get Sewin'

Just some funny cuteness.

I'm almost finished with the Poke'mon board! All that's left is the Ninetails and I must say I'm nervous. The pencil outline looks amazing and I'm worried I won't be able to keep all the detail outlines when painting. I have a very fine-headed brush which is awesome for small details (such as with this occasion) but sometimes it's not enough without a surgeon's hand.
More exciting news is Alex and I got our sewing machine back. It's all ready to go and the only somewhat negative comment the people at Keep Me In Stitches had to say was that, because it's an old machine, the motor needs a little help getting started. In order to give it the necessary push, they said to spin the hand wheel manually then it should go just fine. On the plus side we have 60 days to bring it back if anything goes wrong. So it's time to really get sewin'!
I'd really like to make a clutch but there's no way I have enough time to do that and everything else I need to do before the wedding. It'll have to be a clutch for another occasion but I'd definitely love to work on one. Anyone have any cute ideas? I'm on the hunt for free online patterns and such.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

It's A Tie

Last night I posted about maybe doing a Mad Men 1950's cosplay but now today, during the very windy weather, Alex said I should be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I've started reading the Warlord of Oz comics and so far I like Dorothy's attitude and I love Toto (her pet wolf) but I'm so unsure... once the sewing machine gets fixed and I start working on mini projects and skill building, I think I'll better know where I stand. Today I found a Dorothy costume for $10 at Anarchist Closet. It fit well, it'll just need a bit of sprucing up (needs a new corset ribbon, hot pants, and stockings) but it should do fine for Tampa Bay Comic Con. The costume I found is similar to this but doesn't show any middle. On the other hand, I do have a vintage style dress to wear (wiggle dress)...
Tough choices but fun just the same!

Zenoscope Comic's Dorothy

Oh and, Kaitlin-- I know you're reading--, I gave Just Sweat a try in Just Dance and boy did I sweat more than Just Dancing! I'm getting better at my moves thought Just Sweat doesn't give you scores the same.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Vintage Bound

I'm relaxed but pretty awake and I almost forgot to post for today. I got my butt kicked in a Muscle Madness group workout class and ended up taking an hour nap which made me wakeup as if I had a hangover (boo!). Afterwards I picked up Kaitlin and we got our hair trimmed. I feel bad because the woman didn't do what Kaitlin asked of her nor did she even seem to know what was going on. I just needed a trim so my hair is fine. Hopefully Kaitlin can get someone to properly do her hair. It's frustrating because I feel a hair stylist shouldn't do something unless they know what they're doing. I think it's better to be honest and say "I'm not familiar with how your haircut was done, I think it would be better for you to get it maintained elsewhere" and that would be respectable. I would've been happier with them for saying that to Kaitlin. I feel like I don't want to go back because of how that worked out but at the same time I just go for trims so I never have to deal with style stuff.
On a big upside i think I know what I want to wear for Tampa Bay Comic Con. I was to do Mad Men which is basically just 1950's fashion.  I already have a 50's dress so why not work on making it into a Mad Men theme by styling my hair and makeup? Or I can make one of the simpler dresses-- there are plenty of retro patterns in the market now. Vintage is awesome. Either way I'm pretty excited because I love 50's style and maybe I could do some old fashion cartoon makeup like with the framing black lines and color spots. Awesomeness ensues. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Red Lantern Binge!

After weeks of looking at different comic shops Alex and I finally found the Red Lantern comic issues we need to catch up to the current one. You can bet when we got home I binged on all the ones I've been waiting to read (I don't like to read out of order so I wait for the next one even if I have the one right after that).
This week I need to get my hair trimmed (yay I'm going with Kaitlin), work on assignments so I'm not worrying about them during my brother's wedding, and decide whether I want to get my nails done or just do them myself. I also need to call Keep It In Stitches to see if they've even gotten started working on our sewing machine. I'm really anxious to get it back so I can actually practice sewing stuff. I know Alex is too but he's found projects around that obstacle. He hand sewed a jersey-knit fabric into a pull-over mask (Rorschach). Tampa Bay Comic Con is getting closer and closer and I still don't know what I'm going to wear. It'd be nice to dress up at least with a nerdy t-shirt but I don't have any. (Maybe I'll buy one, I know plenty of websites with awesome t's). 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Workin' On My Own Green Thumb

Recently I've started planning what to do with our patio outside the new apartment. I want to grow plants and also have a couple chairs with a table so it should be simple, it's just laying it all out and deciding on what plants to use.
To make the most of the little space, I'm considering a pallet garden. Like, literally just using a pallet, cleaning and painting it up. I'll need a medium that wicks water all throughout the pallet but allow for enough aeration. I spoke with my coworker Curt and he said that Chunky Coco Coir (coconut fiber) or regular Coco Coir with Perlite would do well. As for what plants, I haven't decided entirely. It'd be nice to have thyme, cilantro, lavender, marigolds, and perhaps some lettuce when it cools down. I know Alex would love to have some parsley. Can't put any peppers or tomatoes in because their roots will take over. Whatever I decide it's going to be fun having a patio.

Satur- Saturday

Why did they do a Fabio shot for Liam Neeson?
So yes, I missed yet another Saturday night. This time it wasn't for fun, I had an assignment due and I actually got it done and submitted on time (go me!). Afterwards I was pretty tired so I laid down and Alex joined me with the laptop. He put on the first episode of Star Wars; I watched the first twenty minutes or so and then passed out. I think I may have seen it in its entirety when I was younger but I don't recall. I'll have to try again some time.
I think Alex and I decided to watch the movies because we are getting into the nerd community, we kind of need to understand the lingo/basics.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Just To Match

I recall the time when Alex bought me the Hungry Oh So Hungry T-shirt from Shirt-Woot (Hungry Hippos meets Hunger Games). He loved it so much that he bought himself one, too. He was visiting when I received mine in the mail and I was like "We have to both wear our shirts to go see The Hunger Games today!" And we did.
Since then, we haven't been allowed to match-- it's too cutesy for my honey bear. Well, today I'll match one of his blog posts. Cosplay excitement and anxiety towards when we get our sewing machine back are what we feel much of the time. We're both working hard at our fitness and I stand by what I said about it improving our relationship and giving the big nudge he and I needed to really bring our activity level to, well, the next level.
One of Alex's recent posts was a list of cosplays he would like to do (obviously not all at once), so I thought I would share mine.

Sally Jupiter (Silk Spectre's mom)

This one I got super excited about after seeing another cosplayer do it quite well. When I get to this one, I think the toughest part will be the hair (these styles were done with short hair). I really like the idea of this cosplay because I love pin-up style and it would be really fun to portray such a sexy, flirty character.

The New Maleficent (dark)

(AND fairy!)

After seeing the Maleficent movie, I immediately knew I had to do it as a cosplay someday. There are so many challenging aspects that you can already tell it's beyond my current level of skill. I will save this desire for when my sewing skills hold minimal flaws and gaps. This is a cosplay that I know will be close to me because it's about showing a side of the story that no one's ever heard and it's just so magical. I don't care how wrong people say it is or how inaccurate anything is, this movie is now one of my favorites.

Red Lantern OC

Of course, there will be my Red Lantern costume which will serve as Alex and my debut. I won't be doing Bleez specifically; instead, I will be looking at her, Antipathy, and other female lanterns for inspiration to design my original character. I know i'll be wearing black boots so I need to incorporate most of the red into the outfit itself  (gloves perhaps). So far I'm pretty sure I'll want a neck corset and a one-piece style swimsuit kind of outfit. Alex and I are pretty sure we'll need to take the costumes to be embroidered at a shop.
I want to do this Red Lantern because it'd be nice to match Alex since we're coming out together. I also chose Red Lantern because they're the anti-heroes and, like with Maleficent, they are neither hero nor villain (Or, if you watched the movie, both a hero and a villain)-- they see injustice and those who lack compassion and they do what they can to cleanse the evil. If there's a tragic, horrible death or crime and enough rage is emitted from someone, the Red Lanterns are the ones who will crash in and give you the revenge you deserve.

Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite)

The only other cosplay that I'm considering is Elizabeth and I'm drawn to her because I love how she comes to learn her powers and, while the story took me for a crazy turn (especially when I discovered there is no alternate ending but, at the same time, infinite alternate endings), I did like how she turned out and took control. Plus she's cute and I love her starting outfit.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

My Dog Is Not A Pit Bull...

... but, if she were, I'd love her just the same.

When I first went to write this post I wasn't sure what to write about because it's getting later into the night and if you follow my blog you know my brain starts shutting off around now. After a few moments of recalling my day I knew I needed to write about Penny.
Today Alex and I took her to the dog park and she's gotten used to the regular dogs on Tuesday but none were there today so there was a whole new set of dogs for her to meet. Everything was going good, she was running around, trying to get other dogs to play, pooping, and giving her goofy-sweet dimple smile. Then a new dog was coming in with a prissy woman. She seemed to me to be a new dog owner because she saw all the dogs crowding around the entrance to greet the new dog yet she was pushing for her dog to go inside. Instead, she let the dogs into the entrance-greet-through-the-gate area (including my Penny Cake) and they all got excited and on-top of each other. If you know about dogs and their interactions/pack mentality, you know that this will stir some dominance growls and the like. I'm not sure exactly what happened but there was some dominance-barking but when I looked closer at what was happening, this woman was very clearly considering hitting Penny (who was among other dogs in the entrance-greet area).
Finally all the dogs were in the actual park area and they were running around. The whole time, this woman was giving Penny the scrunched-brow look as if Penny was the cause of all trouble. 
It is not uncommon for people to look at my sweet Penny and think of her as a Pit Bull. While there is nothing wrong with making an easily inaccurate analysis, there is indeed something wrong with stamping on all negative traits imposed upon Pit Bulls due to shitty ass owners and non-compassionate monsters who consider themselves human. If you look at my dog an think Pit Bull, fine. But don't act like my dog is going to run over to you and rip you and your dog to shreds just because you're there and she appears to be a Pit Bill.
If you take the time to observe Penny and spend time with her you would see that what my dog really is is a big bundle of love that enjoys giving kisses, snuggles, belly rubs, kitty swats (she lets Rinpoche play with her then he runs when she mimics his swats), and running with other dogs. If you want to know about genetics, she is, genetically, half Weimaraner and half Boxer.

Penny really enjoys playing with other dogs. She is a rough player and (to the woman who gave my sweet girl the ugly eye) if she tries to play with your dog but your dog is very timid, it is not considered aggressive-- your dog is just not socialized enough to know what playing with other dogs is like. This is not my dog's fault that you have failed at being a dog owner. If you bring your dog to a dog park, be prepared for shows of dominance, timidness, some aggression when dogs don't click well (it happens just like it happens with people). Just be prepared and attentive but, my best advice is, don't be a prissy bitch who glares at my dog who's being a dog at the dog park. Don't tell your dog to go play but the moment they go play with other dogs you call them back to you. Don't yell at your dog for climbing up on the bench next to you or eating the grass while you gesture and command them to stay near you. Instead, try not being pretentious, wear clothes you don't mind getting some dirt on, and, if your dog needs encouragement, get off your lazy bum and walk them over to the other dogs to get them to play.

Also, when you see a dog who's been in the park for a while (who has not shown any true signs of aggression towards the dogs already in the park) get into a brawl with a new dog, don't start fearing for your dog's life as if my dog is going to decide she likes the taste of blood and comes for yours next. Instead, observe how an owner handles the situation and what is done to correct and understand the issue.
So, woman who judged my sweet fur child, read up on dog behavior, let your poor dog run free, and fix that hideous face of yours-- I'm sure you'd look more attractive with a smile and a warm heart open to all creatures, no matter the prejudice put against them.

I'm not saying Penny is perfect; the fight with the other dog today at the park proves that. I'm just saying there's a difference between dogs being messed with by other dogs and dogs who are just plain aggressive.
I'll put it simply: Penny is an angel that doesn't put up with any shit. If a dog is nipping at her or trying to dominate her, she will growl or bark at the other dog to stop then, once the other dog stops, she'll stop. Usually. Today, the new dog introduced was extremely excited and displayed very dominant traits from the start. When they came in there was a tousle but it was stopped. Thinking back, I should have pushed Penny to her back to make sure she knew she wasn't dominant and just cut down on her excitement (exposing a dog's underside is equivalent to making them submit to you. You as the owner should always be the alpha dog). Instead, I pulled her from the other dog (totally ready to get bit and shove as needed) and made her sit out from play for a few moments. Then I released her to run and play.
And then the dog nipped at her. Like I said, Penny doesn't take shit. Unfortunately this dog continued after Penny's initial growl/bark "Don't nip or dominate me!" And there was a brawl. I ran over and I don't know how I got to her so quick or exactly what was happening each moment but I remember seeing Penny's jaw clamped on the back of the other dog's neck (this is a "I'm done with your shit, you're going to submit so I don't have to deal with this anymore"). Alex informed me the jaw is clamped here in order to mount the dog and obtain dominance but the other dog was fighting it. I was scared for the other dog and for Penny so I jumped in there and shoved my fingers between Penny's teeth shouting for her to let the dog go. (Alex's tip is to move your fingers towards the back of the mouth towards the throat to make it more uncomfortable for the dog-- this will cause them to want to release). Then I somehow got Penny to let go. The other dog continued to try to nip but Alex intervened and moved it away. (Yes, all this was occuring while the other dog's owner didn't seem phased. He was there but was not alarmed as he should have been. Him and the pretentious bitch should have switched and then everything would have been appropriately handled). Alex pushed Penny to her back because she was indeed partially at fault because she continued to push back at the other dog.
I apologized to the other owner and made sure his dog was fine. He said she was and not to worry. I remained worried. I checked Penny up and down and did notice a bite on her face by her mouth and near her eye (thankfully her eyes are okay). It was definitely time to leave.

The reason I've shared this story is not to share aggression but to share events that happen at the dog park and how to handle them. So many people think they can bring their dog to the park and just do whatever. NO. A dog is a child, you need to watch their behavior and make corrections as needed. You need to stop your dog from trying to dominate all others and help ensure that all dogs agree to a neutral pack formation.
I'll leave the internet with one final tip: don't bring an in-tact (non-spayed or neutered) adult dog to the park. This will cause more trouble that it's worth.

Here's a super cute video to give you a big smile for the weekend!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Bridesmaid Numero Dos

I finally got to bring my bridesmaid dress home today after three fittings and then a final adjustment today when I went in. I know you're probably all dying to see it but I don't currently have a picture of me in my actual dress. I believe the image above is the exact dress. Mine is purple.
This was the second time I've gone to a seamstress but it was the first time I had to get so much done. Like I have mentioned in past posts, the dress was exactly a size too small but luckily there was enough fabric to let it out. The reason I had to have it fitted three times was because it was let out a bit too much, then the under layer was too snug. Now it's finally done and I'm happy to have the worry of someone tossing it into a giant blender full of mandolins parts off my mind. If you live in Tampa and you're looking for a good seamstress who will work with you until your dress fits AND you're happy, go to Emelina's off of Busch and Armenia. I worked with Emelina herself and everything went well. I told her the deadline and she made sure that I got to take it home with time to spare. The shop also sells dresses for more than just weddings: proms, quinces-- you name it!
I'm happy it's all done with. Now I can just get my hair trimmed and my nails done then relax while someone else does my hair and makeup for my brother and Jenny's big day.
Their gift is still in process. I have all the parts; I'm just waiting on one to dry. Oh no I've given it away! There's only so many things that can be dried! I will share the gift and the reasoning behind it after the wedding (and the cruise because I'll be lucky if I get a moment to sit down and just write a post. I'm sure I'll have lots of lovely pictures to share, though).

As for other news, I continue to go to the gym and work out pretty much every day. Cutting out all the unnecessary sweets has been a challenge but I think I may have gotten to the actual point of no-more-sweets-until-my-brother's-wedding. Because, come on, there's going to be a ton of delicious dessert options!
I'm a bit bloated today because of TOM but I weighed myself and measured my trouble area.
This morning I was at 132 lbs and my waist is 26.5 inches while my lower abdomen is still in the 35.25 inch area. I know that my lower tummy is going to be the biggest issue for my cosplays. I have to dedicate myself to very limited to minimal sweets along with smaller portions.
Has anyone tried those portioning plates? Do they actually help or do you just end up letting your food crawl up and over the portion ranges? Maybe it's worth a try?
Here are some new pictures; it's been forever:

Gosh that strap is bothering me...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Toasty Fairy Tuesday

Alex gets Bro Fridays and I get Girl Tuesdays. Today was a successful girls day and I am so fortunate to have such an awesome boyfriend. He has to work early in the morning but didn't flinch when I asked him at 1:30 am to come with me to take Kaitlin home (whom I fell asleep on while watching Epic despite the fact we got Sonic summer shakes). Sugar used to be much more effective. I definitely think having it so often now has effected my energy levels. 
But, yes, my partner is the best. He's totally cool with girl days and when he kind of gets pulled into it he participates but doesn't intrude in any sense. Like with shopping today. He's always been a good shopping sport from the get go. 
And when I come home from watching Maleficent with Kaitlin-- saying it was the best thing ever and I need to cosplay Maleficent (both fairy and dark version) but that sort of craftsmanship is far beyond my current skill set-- he doesn't flinch, smiles, and continues to be my wonderful other half. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Rain & Sunshine

Today Alex, Aaron, and I signed our lease for our new apartment. We'll be moving in in September and I'm super excited to finally have space to have plants (there's a patio!). I'm thinking some vines, hanging plants, definitely kitchen herbs-- possibilities are so vast! [BTW did you know rosemary produces flowers?].
Alex and I went out afterwards and braved the crazy rain storm only to drive right out of it, on our way to St. Pete. We wanted to thrift shop and indeed we managed to get some in, by the time we got to St. Pete it was six and all the promising places had closed. At least now we have some good places on our map. Plus, Alex stumbled upon a rain jacket that is perfect for a Rorschach cosplay (Watchmen). We didn't buy it because it's designed for the winter (insulated, thick) but you know how it is, you see something that would work but it doesn't work then later you believe it's perfect. Hopefully, if he really REALLY wants it, it will still be there when we go back.
So once we realized that thrift shopping was done for the day due to everywhere being closed we walked around downtown St. Pete then had some awesome fish and chips at Courigan's Irish Pub. Everything was fresh made there and delicious.


BOO! I was doing so good! BOO!
Oh well, here's for Sunday.

I was originally going to write a post just about KISS and what it means to Alex and I but more stuff for my brother's wedding has come up and it's making me more and more excited! Jenny had sent me a text after work telling me that her and my brother would like to pay for my hair and makeup for the wedding as a gift. My mom had received the same offer but, for some reason, decided to tell Jenny that I'll be doing my own hair and makeup. Yes mom that was the original plan to save us a little money but if it's being offered as a gift, I'm not going to say no! So I told Jenny yes and hopefully I didn't complicate things with my makeup and hair ideas (or the fact I'd like them to use my extensions).
I do feel a little bad because Kaitlin was helping me with my makeup for the big day but only a little because we had so much fun messing with makeup and I can still use her makeup tips and the makeup we bought for other occasions (like the wedding's rehearsal brunch!).


And... that above is what Rinpoche wanted to share with all of you while I was brushing my teeth. He has shared the secret to happiness: step on keyboards while your mom is in the bathroom and giggle yourself to sleep when she discovers what you've done.

So you're all probably wondering "Is she going to tell us about KISS?!" And the answer is yes, of course. KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid. It's a motto Alex and I use when cooking or deciding on clothes, makeup, any sort of design for around the house or whatever. You are more likely to make a mess or just mess up something if you take in too many factors. If you are selective and arrange things simply, then you are more likely to be happy with the result (unless you enjoy messy and/or complicated).

Simple: Fairy in a tree with an apple. It's beautiful, no?

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Siren In the Shop

Almost forgot to post again but yay I didn't! 
Work today was okay, fairly busy-- before I knew it it was time to close. I came home and made dinner, watched movies; I wasn't productive in any way. I just have a big case of summer school blahs. I don't want to do school work and I have to encourage myself to do my crafty stuff so that I at least to something with my time other than the internets. 
Today I realized we're only three weeks away from my brother's wedding. I am so excited to see him and Jenny and actually have time with them afterwards while on our family cruise. I'm hoping everything goes well and they both get to really enjoy their special day. On Wednesday I go back to the seamstress to check on the status of my bridesmaid dress and, hopefully, it will fit well. 
I've been working out almost everyday for about a month and I think it may have shown some results when I went earlier this week to the seamstress to get the fitting (the first visit was to take out the dress because the silly dress sales lady told me to get a size too small (according to measurements I gave her that remained relevant up to the time I got the dress in the mail). But this next fitting should do the trick-- I hope. 
Another update is that Alex and I took the Singer (I want to name her Siren) to the shop and we're having it fixed. We're both excited (if I haven't expressed it enough in the past posts). We both just really want to get started on our practice and mini projects. 
In the meantime we're harvesting Youtube videos, tutorials, patterns, ideas and various tools for our belts. I am currently searching for cosplay blogs and the like.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Gotta Catch 'em All... Poke'mon!

Tonight it's just a quick post since I nearly forgot again. I was working on Alex's and my pokemon playing board. It's pretty cute and I enjoy working on it-- painting is always fun. Alex's half is almost done. I just need to add Torkoal's smoke from his nostrils and top of shell. That'll cover up the funky looking legs.
I only just started working on my side the other night. So far, the outlines are awesome and the pokeballs are as good as I can make a circle.
I hope everyone's weekend is off to a good start.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Vacation Calls

Yesterday Alex and I took Kaitlin to Orlando for a conference for her major. The trip was pretty fun though I've discovered that Panera's pastries are not always perfect. We picked lunch up there before we hit the road and then once we got on the highway I made it to the cinnamon roll (which everyone who likes cinnamon rolls can agree is amazing!). To my dismay, the roll was, well, goopy. Instead of a nice soft and slightly chewy rolls with delicious hit-of-citrus glaze, it was goop. Yellow blob with cinna-goop in between it's crevices. BOO.
The road trip was nice though, the hour and a half flies by when you're in good company. Since I was in company of two of my favorite people, we got there in no time at all-- getting Kaitlin there only a few minutes late. While she was at her conference, I took Alex to see the Orlando equivalent of Momo's pizza (Tallahassee). He was extremely excited and, while Lazy Moon pizza is not as good as Momo's, he enjoyed it. Happy boyfriend, happy day hehe. Then we went to a comic book shop (believe me we had options!) where we landed on the jackpot. It wasn't that we found all the Red Lantern comics that we needed to be entirely caught up to-date; it was the fact that I selected the one shop that had four tables of quality, unorganized comic books... that were $1 each. I'm talking Brightest Day, Blackest Night, X-Men, Batman-- lots of new stuff and good old stuff. So you can bet we got quite a few. It would have been cool if we were able to find all the Red Lanterns we need but this little treasure shop was a nice encounter.
Afterwards we picked up Kaitlin and went to meet her big, my aunt, at Carraba's. To keep it brief, we at a lot of food, laughed a lot, went to the bathroom several times-- all the fun. Then we had to go because I realized it was nearly ten and Penny and Rinpoche were waiting for us to get home.
Kaitlin thanked me multiple times for taking her and, of course, she is always welcome.

Being in Orlando really made we want to be on vacation but showed me that I don't think I'll ever want to live in Orlando. People are very different there in comparison to Tampa and Tallahassee. Being in the middle of Florida causes a lack of southern hospitality and charm. I've been spoiled with friendly, welcoming people in all the places I've been, going to Orlando was just an eye-opener as far as that goes. However, I do really want a vacation. I want to go to a theme park and just go have some crazy fun! I still have't made an absolute decision of what I'd like to do for my birthday this year but I'm pretty sure I want to do Wizarding World (Universal & Islands of Adventure) or Busch Gardens (stay-cation). It'd be easier on our babies to do the stay-cation.
At the end of the month I will be embarking on my first cruise so at least I'll get some sort of vacation-- just wish Alex could come too. Lots going on. I hope everyone's keeping their heads on and wearing sunblock in the sunshine.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sing To Me

So after an impassible issue with the $20 thrift store sewing machine, Alex and I took it in to Keep Me In Stitches-- a small business that does sewing machine troubleshooting and consultations for free. It turns out one of our gears is done and, although we had originally believed to machine to be recently refurbished, it needs the full tlc and gear rotor thingymajig for $160. I was ready to give $80 at most to get it running. Alex and I expressed our concern to the shop but they said once all that is done our singer will be ready to go and will continue to last for years. Apparently metal insides are extremely desirable and the people at the shop assured us that our machine is good quality and that once this needed fix up is done it won't need much for a least a couple years. It's something to consider because we do indeed need a sewing machine and if the cost to get this one up and in running condition is the same as buying a new but far poorer quality machine it may be worth it. I think we may just have to invest.

For 31

It's been a month now since I started this daily blog adventure. It's been a month of new stuff, missing days, makeups, fitness energy, and school blahs. I know I do not enjoy summer semester, I am very excited to learn how to sew clothes and work with my own sewing machine. I'm also looking forward to seeing my brother, be in his wedding, and go on a cruise with the family! I really don't know when I'll be able to manage everything to a point where I feel like I have just enough time. I have to keep working at my discipline and time management skills to make it happen. Someday I will find a way to make time for both what I enjoy and and what needs to be done.
Here's to a horizon full of daily blogs and adventure-- may it all be well spent. May it also be full of hope and drive for working towards my dreams (may these dreams take the residence of fear).

Monday, June 2, 2014

Relationship Advice From A Committed, Logical Woman

People talk about married couples' first fights and to be honest, I feel like the couple got married quick (not in a bad way) if they haven't yet had their first fight. When I say fight I mean a big argument that isn't solved or discussed right away. Alex and I only recently got into a fight and we've been together for two and a half years. I think it's important to have arguments and fights before you get married so you can learn to truly mend and set the relationship's course straight again without the 'safety net' that marriage can be. You shouldn't want to heal the rip just because you're married-- you should want it because you want your relationship to continue to grow (even after marriage) and to understand what happened so you can move on and live together harmoniously.

I know that there are statistics that say a high percentage of couples who move in together before marriage end up breaking up but shouldn't you move in and learn about your partner's at-home habits before deciding to spend the rest of your life with them? Yes you're going to find out all their quirks and some things you rather dislike about their cleanliness or just habits in general, but finding them out sooner allows you to decide whether you can deal and work with all of that. Do you love that person enough to accept everything that makes them who they are?
Alex and I will have lived together for a year in August and we've hit our bumps and found out quirks but we help and accept each other.

So, my advice to someone who's just at their first big fight (married or not) is to breathe, think about what's going on and make sure you're partner knows how you're feeling. Openness and honesty are crucial if you want to effectively move on past the argument. You may not want to tell your partner that you feel they are listening to you like a mother half listens to their child after school but if you want to solve the problem you need to be honest and open.
Avoid extending the fight, unhappiness and hurt beyond those moments and solve it right away. There's no such thing as a perfect relationship-- relationships are messy but can be made to be in sync if the two halves of a whole work together and allow for balance. Remember you are in a relationship, one of affection and compassion--- this is the person you want to be with for life. It is a partnership but it must extend beyond agreeing on dinner and whether or not you should get new shoes; it must be a spiritual harmony.
I'll say it again: Relationships aren't perfect but they can be pretty close. Solve the problem when it happens and don't expect sparkles every day. Some days are just chill and you feel like you're with a best friend and there is nothing wrong with that-- who doesn't want their life partner to also be their best friend?

Above all else, love openly. Don't keep anything in and don't let society's expectations influence how and where your relationship goes. Follow your heart.

Crunches vs. Sit Ups

I honestly don't know if it's just me but crunches are awful-- like painful for my back and neck. I do proper posture and everything yet they are one of the two most uncomfortable moves for me to do (second most uncomfortable is side leg lifts when you're laying on your side on the ground-- my hip bones just shove into the ground like a bruise). I can do sit ups just fine and I can still challenge myself with those too. I feel my full midsection working with abs whereas all I feel is upper abdominal working and my neck and lower back yelling. Maybe that's why some trainers combine the two-- to isolate the top them make it all work.
WHY do people prefer crunches over abs though when they're only doing one? Is it because it's a burst workout? Is it because they can't do sit ups?
Until I figure out why people are doing crunches instead of sit ups, I'm going to keep doing sit ups so I can spare my poor back and neck. I have no problem with other abs moves either. The link above gives plenty non-crunch moves.

Welcome To The Blog Community!

I had this typed up and ready to post on Friday but didn't get around to it. BOO. BOO. Well here it is and Saturday and Sunday's posts will follow.

I don't think I've shared with all of you the news of Alex joining the blogging community. Well now you know and let's all give him a big welcome: inside story on the name of the blog is a conversation Alex and I were having. I don't remember what he said but I felt like replying with silliness and said " 'cause fabric. That's why. Just 'cause fabric."
He started the blog one day after telling me I should post about our paper mâché projects for cosplay. Because he and I have different styles for the blog, his is pretty good for crafty instruction. Right now he has posts of how to make a paper mâché mold for a mask-- trial and error. I believe he will have up a new one on making a messenger bag soon. I'm also sure he'll be posting companion posts to mine once we're deeper into our cosplay craft. We might do a dual post and have them linked. We shall see how it goes. And, just to express myself, I am so so antsy to work on cosplay stuff but there's time we have to wait to do it. I need to come up with mini projects to do to build up my skill level. Still waiting on the silly needle clamp and then I gotta order a zipper foot.