Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Active Clocks

The day after another weight session, my triceps, abs, and inner thighs are feelin' it. I wanted to do muscle madness group fitness class at noon but I know that if I go my muscles will be uncomfortably be shaking the whole time. I've opted for a 4 PM Step Class and just no sweets for today. I'm hoping to cut back my sweets to a once a week treat... we shall see how it goes.
Yesterday I got to meet one of Kaitlin's friends (it was very nice to meet you Iiana!) and enjoyed a delicious small cup of Haagen Das Belgium Chocolate Chocolate ice cream. Then while Alex went to his first day of class, Kaitlin and I got whisked away in Sephora. Or rather, Kaitlin got whisked away and I marveled at her eye for colors and quality products.
As today goes on, I see that I truly cannot allow myself to remain inside through the morning and into afternoon. Doing so affects productivity and I've found it's better to get the day started with physical activity. Breakfast, then physical activity of course. It would be favorable to have more options for gym classes in the  morning. I cannot allow myself to be picky when it comes to this matter. I should have gone to yoga at 10 AM.
We learn with time.

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