Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Lift Those Books!

Big note to self: hall your butt earlier to the gym so you have less people to compete with (there were like a gazillion people hogging the workout mats trying to do weird bar-weighted moves-- and I mean the whole bar, not dumbbells or medicine balls). Despite that, I took my usual hour for arms and legs. I really need to get in some back workouts but the trouble is I'm dead after arms and legs. I know I could totally isolate different parts and do one for each day but I honestly like to get it all in in one day. I feel weird going just for arms or just for legs (honestly, I don't know how people complain about the time it takes to workout-- time flies when I'm on the floor). Perhaps it's people who spend their full 30 minutes of gym time on the elliptical or treadmill. I'm not downing on the elliptical/treadmill but, seriously, it's boring to just be on it for 30 minutes. I only do it when I need to or I'm too lazy to make the trip to campus; even then I still need good music to sing along and dance in my head to.
I'm not sure what else I'd like to share with you readers in this post. I almost have all my textbooks and doing okay with money to move into the new place and still buy groceries, thanks to my mom. The new semester is starting off okay. It looks like I have a weekly discussion for each of my classes so maybe that will keep me involved with all of them... I really hope I can keep up with my school work a little better this semester. I also hope my interests are restored once more with these classes-- I'm very hopeful for the History of Libraries and Teaching Information Literacy.

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