Friday, August 22, 2014

We'll Aren't You Crafty

Since I'm already pushing to keep my daily blog posts going, it might be good to add something new. You all know Alex and I are working towards MegaCon and jittering with excitement every time we think about showing up in awesome home made Red Lantern getups. Id like to do something crafty every day leading up to the big day. Obviously this will eventually include the official Red Lantern project but prior to that there may be other costumes alongside smaller projects.
I think it would be wise to set a start date and a budget for each month. If a cosplay costume is to be a part of that month the. The budget may only be exceeded by the amount of the materials for that costume. You know I'm pretty frugal so I do not expect to need more than the budget-- let's say $50 for now-- but craftiness can sneak up the costs. As for the start date lets say September 8th. That'll give me time to move into the new place, get the fall semester going for classes, and establish a new routine in relation to the new space. 

Speaking of craftiness, the semester is starting soon and I need to get in contact with the USF crafting club. I know it sounds a bit nerdy and/or grandma-y but I think it'll be a great opportunity to make new friends and get some more crafting in. 

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