Monday, August 4, 2014

Tampa Bay Comic Con (continued)

Me with a super cute Toothless plushie! <3
Another note to add to my previous post on attending your first convention, is to consider food. If you plan on spending the vast majority of the day at the convention, plan accordingly. Eat a healthy breakfast, bring a water bottle (and drink water often), and bring sandwiches and snacks. Alex and I brought our water bottles and two PBJ's but when you're walking around up and down stairs and you're there all day, you need more than one sandwich. We were super hungry and ended up spending money on food available on site. Bring an apple, some nuts, and maybe even some other munchies to help get you through the day because you're not going to be able to enjoy yourself if you have a headache along with fatigue from not eating enough. So bring a happy brown bag. There may be food available there but I would look into what they have and how much it costs prior to going. If you would rather spend $9 on a personal size pizza instead of putting it towards an awesome original print or some much loved Comic Con merchandise, go right ahead.
Also, if it wasn't obvious enough, wear comfortable shoes. I know you want to look nice and stylish when you go out-- that's great, do it wearing comfortable shoes. There are fashionable comfy shoes. If you are wearing or plan on wearing a cosplay that has slightly or mostly uncomfortable shoes you are going to want a more comfortable version or just flip flops for when you take a break. I'm only saying this from observation but, trust me, I've seen enough people limping in their shoes to say this with confidence. Wear or bring comfy shoes. Period.
One last note: have fun and be social! Revisit booths that you enjoyed and ask questions about the artwork and/or merchandise. Take fun pictures with cosplayers-- getting the picture of the cosplayer is cool but if you're in it it makes it more personal and no one can say you just snatched it from the internet. I didn't take any of me with the cosplayers but I totally should have- especially after getting my official TBCC shirt (looks like the logo I shared in my previous post)!

Once the day was done, Alex and I were really tired (and bummed about the vendor hall closing) and ready to move towards and look forward to MegaCon. Doing TBCC was probably the best decision we've made so far for working towards MegaCon. Now we really have to work on building our sewing skills and getting our muscles into shape. We have some awesome Joann Fabric coupons so that's always a good start!

I have signed up and made a Photobucket. I have all the pictures uploaded now I just have to go in and edit where I can to get better views of the stage cosplays. Here is the link to my bucket.

This is the couple I dashed to the moment I saw them come in. I like to think I was the first to get them on camera.

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