Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ten Minutes

I've been feeling really tired lately and I think it's because there's been so much going on: excitement about moving, anxiety about school, spending time with friends, getting everything together and ready for the move (i.e. bills, payments, boxes, etc.). It's no fun feeling tired but I gotta keep moving forward. Somehow I gotta acquire my required textbooks as well (and get Kaitlin's iPad back to her lol). 
I'm not sure what else to talk about this morning other than me finally working on the new season of Legend of Korra. LOVE all the spirits, they're adorable. I want them to be a part of my next painting project. Alex wants to get me some canvas and I'm sure it'll be fun-- once again, just have to wait for financial aid (his. Mine is delayed so I have longer to wait for mine). 
And I just spent a good three minutes looking for the spirits that have really caught my fancy: the one that follow Bumi (leaf bunny) and the move that Jinora uses to send for help (bunny bird). Since I'm having so much trouble finding stills of them, I'll have to move through the episodes again and pause as needed. Only thing bothersome at all about that is our poopey internet that acts up at night and freezes randomly while watching LOK. 

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