Saturday, August 30, 2014

Butt Now (There's a Unicorn that Poops Sprinkles)

The days are flying by fast. Sometimes work can be slow but time will move as it does. Before I know it we'll be in our new place. I'm happy there are a couple people interested in the big desk. Selling it will really help us out with buying Alex a new desk and keeping the space open.
I'm really excited to have space for just dance and the patio outside to do my yoga (it's really going to suck in spring when that free blossoms out back though. My allergies are aweful but maybe the allergy drops will come to some aid by then. 
On a different note, I'm really proud of myself for having a good start to the fall semester. I've been keeping up with my assignments and keeping in mind assignments that will be due in the following weeks. I know I have to interview a library professional and id really like it to be someone who teaches mini classes for using library resources (since that's what I aspire to do). The only downer so far with school, aside from the silly online financial aid thingy, is that I feel my professors are too disconnected from me. Occasionally when I've asked a question, I've been made to feel dim witted  (even though the answers to my questions were indeed not made clear with the resources provided on the course site). A plus is that I've gained a skill level in my Canvas navigation. I understand how my professors are using them (though I feel some things could be done with more easy and efficiency). 
I hope everyone else's semesters are starting off well (note to self: call Colie). Work your butts off because, really, who needs a butt anyway?

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