Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Keep On Rollin'

Cute Art Prints on Etsy Kurillastration

Fall semester starts next week. I feel like I had no summer at all... the lack of scenery change that I'm used to every few months doesn't help the restlessness I feel. This move to the new apartment will be good for me; I'll have a new space to work with and be able to create new spots for homework and such. I also look forward to getting financial aid in so Alex and I can get me a new bike that fits my height. That and I'll be able to get new bras and undies. I'm thinking Urban Outfitters-- their triangle bras are super cute and comfy.
No gym this morning, just playtime with Rinpoche and Penny while I tried to do some sun salutations.
It's Susy Tuesday so I'll probably be heading out soon to get Kaitlin and then we can Just Dance (for reals this time-- we should probably skip the cupcakes so we can).
I do have to make more calls for setting up the new apartment and such as well. The closer we get to move in day, the more excited I feel. I don't like to get excited about big events until they're really close; I think it's better than way so there's less room for disappointments.
The apron I'm working on is still in progress. I need to get double sided bias tape (especially since I cut on bias instead of on the whatever line that makes the fabric not fray as much) so that'll have to wait until we get some money in. I get paid tonight so I'll be able to pay bills and such. Woo-hoo responsibilities!

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