Sunday, August 24, 2014

Put On Your Sunday Clothes, There's Lots of World Out There

Last night I started watching Outlander. I was expecting to be disinterested and bored but, to my surprise, the show is quite captivating. The sequence of time is, of course, already mixed up but in addition to this is a unique style of story telling-- a kind attempt at considering the viewer's questions (such as, how does it feel to time travel?). Claire, the main character's, personality is charming and spunky. As a nurse, everyone has a reason to like her-- even those in the time displacement. When she thinks of her husband, I find myself looking to Alex as he sleeps. It must be a terrible thing to be ripped apart from such happiness. Claire has already recognized mortality as she has lived through WWI but to be displaced in time? That is a true separation for nothing short of magic can get you there and back again.
In light of the Sunday before the fall semester begins, I reflect on what is most important to me. There was a time with school was of the highest priority but now I see that it is merely a necessary burden put upon people of our time to make their way through life comfortably. We devoute a quarter of our precious time to school and much more than that to work-- all for small yet very precious amounts of time with those we love, marveling at the beauty of the universe.

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