Monday, August 18, 2014

Stronger Than Britney Spears

Click for an awesome history of female bodybuilders

I have had such a love affair going on with group classes that I forgot the rush of lifting. Don't get me wrong, I really love the group workout classes-- they're what got me into campus gyms in the first place. I enjoy being pushed and challenged and doing new moves and techniques I hadn't even thought of. With weight lifting, I feel strong (even though my wimpy little arms can barely do more than a 10 pound curl).
This morning I had an awesome first day back with the weights.  My lifting was near-full body today; I was going to do lower back but I felt so light on my feet I knew it was time to finish up (not that lower back would have taken much time). Some muscles were like "whoa I thought we were done with that nonsense" while others were gun-ho and asking for more.
Now let's hope the rest of today is as productive as I need it to be- there's laundry to do and so many people and places to call about financial aid and moving into the new apartment come September.

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