Wednesday, August 20, 2014

IKEA It Up! So Ready To Move

Cartoon by Tim Harries
Do you ever have those days where you start off really good (you go to the gym, you take care of dishes, have a healthy lunch, call your best friend, pay the bills, etc) but then the day just speeds forward and you wonder where it all went?
Today was one of those days. It's 5 o'clock and I feel like the day went by without me.
Yesterday was lots of fun-- had a true Susy Tuesday with Just Dance and fried rice paired with Uno! It's so funny to think I hadn't played Uno with Kaitlin before last night. I'm really excited to be having more space for games after we move. We'll hopefully have a futon/sofa, too. Alex has finally got me on board and to be entirely honest, I like them because they're cheap and it'll be good to have normal seats for guests who feel weird about our sumo chairs. IKEA is going to be a big help but we're still shopping around-- and we definitely have time to do so while we wait for financial aid.
Tomorrow we are going with our friend Brandi to the mall and maybe the movies (The Giver)-- Susy Tuesday Part TWO!

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