Thursday, August 7, 2014

Featuring MOSI

Alex making a funny face before we see IMAX Sharks at MOSI theater.
It's time to fess up, I'm not fooling anyone-- I haven't been doing a good job at keeping up with my daily blog posts. This is the last time I'll talk about it, I just wanted to let it go. It's good that so much is going on I can't keep up-- it's a blessing to be busy and have places to go out to (and the time and money to do the activities). Tomorrow after the Zoo I want to go to Joann to use some of the coupons I got in the mail to get some fabric and start working on some small projects. Next week is the perfect time to use for sewing because Alex's little brother Austin will be back home and the gym won't have group workout classes (i'm on my own until the 25th). So I'll need to be working on my fitness at-home stuff and be working on my crafting.

So as I've said, I've been pretty busy. This week we bougth the Tampa City Pass which includes MOSI (plus an IMAX movie, and a planetarium show that day), two local aquariums, Busch Gardens, and Lowry Park Zoo.
On Monday, Alex and I took Austin to MOSI. It's the local museum and while many of the exhibits are really geared towards younger kids, we had a decent time. Alex and I had thought there were more exhibits in MOSI and perhaps that's because it seems like there should be so much more for family not just the kids. The 3D Printing visiting exhibit was nice yet small-- and you really can't expect too much from the 3D Printing because it's still a new technology. There was an anatomical heart that was printed, though, and it was awesome. Austin had not yet seen what the inside of a heart looks like.
Afterwards we went to another one that was informative but just... too much and not enough of the right stuff. It was about the human life and our growth and decay, pretty much. A bit too heavy at the end for me-- I go to the museum for fun and to learn stuff not to brood over negative thoughts.
There was a cool magnet section though and it was awesome. It was called Magnet Circus and you can guess the cute theme. Then there was Disaster City which simulates natural disasters and allows you to play around with toy structures and stuff to prepare for disasters. Pretty cool, actually. So if you're my age and you're planning on going to MOSI, you could probably just head to the Disaster City and the Magnet Circus and be content. You absolutely do not need the whole day for this venue-- you could get through all of it in a couple hours.
On Tuesday, we FINALLY made it to Busch Gardens. Post on this will be coming soon, we're heading to the zoo today and I need to get Alex up and make some sandwiches.

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