Friday, August 15, 2014

Death To The Pattern

Hopefully all this icky weather calms down so Alex and I can go out on our actual bicycles.

Patterns are very frustrating. Just when I think I understand what is supposed to be done and I'm ready to sew, I realize I've messed up and need to figure out a correct or cut an additional piece out. Can you say learning curb?
In addition, I've realized I need double sided bias tape (because it says so on the package and didn't notice until I stared at it for a million years). I can do this. I want to be able to do this. Luckily I have Colie to help-- she suggested this nifty named youtube channel called Professor Pin Cushion.
On a different note, Fall classes start soon and shortly after we move into our new apartment. I'm super excited for the new apartment and hoping I can get my textbooks and whatnot in time. I don't like playing catch up because in grad school I never quite can. I want this semester to be a good one considering it will be one of my last and I need to keep my grades up.
Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with what I need and want to do that, even after focusing on the needs first I still feel flustered. Somehow I'll make it all happen!

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