Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Susy All The away

I've actually been doing a decent job at being a busy bee-- not always busy with what I had planned but busy nontheless. Last night I worked with a pattern all by myself for the first time. I didn't need a pattern to make an apron-- I've made a few before as gifts (with the help of Colie) and they came out awesome. I just needed to start working with patterns and getting my skill level marked. So far it's already safe to say I have a lot to learn but somehow I'll manage with Alex's support and some FaceTime help from Colie. 
Last night I also played pokemon with drunk Alex and it was rather hilarious. The moment he foresaw I was going to win with my hardcharmed Yvaltl and supply of energy he tossed his cards and quit but then assured me he still wanted to play-- just not with the hand the two of us were dealt. 
As for today? An awesome Susy Tuesday (last weeks was awesome too-- days with Kaitlin are generally good ones) spent chatting, cupcaking, carbs, and planning for our birthday month. Unfortunately we may not be able to do a Disney Tea Party as we thought we may be able to so we looked at tea places in Tampa and found one we liked as an alternative. Doing a nonDisney tea place makes it slightly easier to invite friends-- especially since I'll have the bigger apartment with the space downstairs. So Kaitlin and I may just do that and then do Disney Parks with Kaitlin's comp tickets another day. We are going to talk with friends about the tea party and such and see. 

So as you can tell the craftiness is going pretty okay but the fitness stuff isnt quite the way I'd like it to be. I wanted to do group workouts but there are not at USF Rec until the beginning of fall. So far I've just occupied workout time with the elliptical and whatever yoga I can fit in with Rinpoche and Penny getting all over me and the mat (honestly I just do it without the mat most times though the last couple times it didn't matter-- the babies still wanted love while I did yoga). I was to do burpees and such because I remember quite a bit of my group fitness workout routines but that requires space and a ceiling that doesn't have a fan at the neither my fingers tough when in Mountain Pose. Only a couple more weeks and we ll be in the new place. I bought some seeds today for the pallet garden I'm going to do: bush beans, spinach, and then bell peppers for their own potted spot. 

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