Sunday, August 31, 2014

Annie Complex

Annie Complex: a term made up by Catherine Negron to describe the instantaneous urge for your brain to sing (loudly) Annie's Tomorrow song even though you only know that part.

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I'm packing! Tomorrow! The move is only two daaaaaays aaaaaawaaaaay!
Too much for a Sunday morning? I agree, but it's in my head so I thought I would share.
I didn't do any school work yesterday (I was actually kept very busy at work and relaxed at home because Alex may have gotten me sick) but maybe I'll have time today at work for some reading. I know i'll be in a bit of a pinch this week because of the move in and getting everything over to the new place in one piece (have I mentioned it's literally around the corner?).
I have so much to do this week AND I really really want to try getting Kaitlin's iPad back to her. I feel awful just letting it sit here on my desk but she says she really doesn't need it. I also need to make it to the other side of town to get my next dose of allergy drops (need them by Wednesday the latest because that's when my current vials are up).
For those of you who aren't religious readers of my blog, I recently posted about wanting to do something crafty every day and I will indeed be doing it. Hopefully the start will be on the 9th but it depends on when financial aid comes in.
Well, have a happy Sunday and don't party too hard (though I know many of you will take advantage of the Labor Day weekend).
Note to self: Still have to call Colie. Priority for Monday.

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