Sunday, May 11, 2014

Forever A Part of Her

Some say our destiny is tied to the land, as much a part of us as we are of it.
Others say fate is woven together like a cloth .

It's tough not being with my mom for Mother's Day. I sent her a gift, called her twice, wished her a beautiful happy day-- it doesn't seem like it's enough. And it may never be enough to thank her for being such a loving mother. We don't always see eye to eye but it's ridiculous to expect someone to be exactly like their parent. Parents always want better for their children anyway-- they certainly don't expect their kids to be just like them.
I did get a little giggle this morning at work because one of my coworkers asked what my fur babies got me. I told him poop and slobber (not far off from human babies lol). Work was really slow though. I ended up napping on some bags of soil (surprisingly comfortable). When I got home Alex and I went for another bike ride-- 10 miles this time! Then we had an awesome spaghetti dinner with roasted green beans and mushrooms. Other than all that today was a basic Sunday. Wish I could have taken my mommy out for dinner or something but I'll get to see her soon. My brother is getting married next month after all.

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