Tuesday, May 6, 2014

My Screen Is So Bright!

I got to see Kaitlin today! She went to the dog park with us and then we attempted to go out to lunch with Penny but it turns out that Ella's Folkart Cafe doesn't serve lunch during the week. We had planned on Ella's because it's awesome food and atmosphere as well as being dog friendly.
So we ended up debating on where to go and what to do. I wanted to take somewhere she hadn't been before that I feel she would enjoy-- we re celebrating her graduation afterall. (Colie I promise we will make something happen to celebrate yours too). 
After taking Penny home we made our way to Macaroni Grill and we all stuffed our faces. Love them olive oil herbs and peppercorns. After lunch I had Kaitlin watch Cloud With A Chance 2 and then proceeded to chat and then play Mario&Sonic Sochi. Figure Skating on teams is so so so cute!

It's been far too long since I've had proper girl time. I'm sure I've said that before but it still rings true. 
Here's to many more girl nights this summer-- full of laughs, cute animals, and girly stuff, but, first, let me drink some protein. (Search selfie spoof protein on YouTube to understand). 

Before I pass out for bed I just want to update you with what's happened to the Race to Abs. We both failed I think but it doesn't mean we re not going to continue trying to be as active as we can or stop eating healthy. I think having at least one other person I can hang out with will keep me in lighter spirits. 
Hope you all are having a good week and enjoying some summertime. 

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