Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Soul & Spirit

I had the pleasure of attending a unique yoga class this morning. The instructor used unconventional music for the class (R&B) along with the pairing of free weights. While many yogis may scoff at such an alteration to the sacred art of yoga, I feel it's good to make each class unique because why else would someone go to a yoga class? They want something different from what they're used to-- at least that's how I feel. At the end of the class she told some of the students who stayed behind that she makes her yoga sessions so active and challenging because she also teaches a yoga class at a youth prison.
Very interesting. I'm excited to attend again next week. Tomorrow I'm not sure if I'll be attending a gym class because the earliest one is 8:30 (that isn't happening) and the one after that is noon. I think I'll go and do some muscle work on my own tomorrow so I can keep to a nice schedule and hopefully spend some quality girl time with Kaitlin (financial aid came in so yay I can go out to lunch!).
So there's a lot to do today

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